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Subsidized Milk Continues to Cause Tension in Rrelizane and Mostaganem

We have a large stock of basic necessities. We have brought together all the means for a regular supply of all the local markets commonly called “Rahma” markets open for the occasion in different corners of the wilaya”, underlined the wali, Lakehal Ayat Abdessalam, while he was watching on the inauguration of a space fitted out for the occasion at the level of city Dallas in the capital of the wilaya.

In the process, it will not fail to note that the disruption that the sustained milk supply has been experiencing for some time is likely to continue. “We have increased the quota allocated to the wilaya, we have, somewhat, reduced the pressure on this product highly prized by the consumer, but the problem remains”, he underlined, affirming that he “will continue to work for the improvement of the situation.

The citizens, having wind of this opening, did not miss the opportunity to rush to the radius of the products which are rare on the stalls in particular the table oil. Despite the jostling in front of certain stalls, the citizens did not hide their satisfaction.

“These spaces are a breath of fresh air for the consumer who can afford certain products at reasonable prices,” said Ahmed, a retiree, calling for the multiplication of these “souks” to reach as many households as possible, especially those with low budgets. .

The same tension on subsidized milk is also experienced in the wilaya of Mostaganem. It is difficult for consumers to obtain subsidized milk in sachets.

Citizens of all ages and sexes are forced to get up at dawn to line up in front of shops and points of sale. They wait impatiently for the arrival of the delivery truck. Long, endless chains have become common.

Sometimes arguments break out. An anarchic situation that penalizes small purses.
The distribution of this basic necessity is rationed to two units per customer, with the intention of making it available for everyone.
IB and LH

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