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Subscribe to the Free Weekly Newsletter and Stay Updated on Cultural Events, Educational Policy, and More

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Hello all,

The start of the school year. In this great annual upheaval, just like the schoolboy screwed to his satchel, the same questions fuse in the mind of the listener of France Culture clinging to his transistor, his smartphone or his car radio. Will I find my beloved comrades? Or meet new ones? Will I learn new things this year? The 2023 grid speaks for itself: yes, yes and yes. That the fanatics of the news are reassured, they will always have their dose this season. And even 30 minutes longer, with Mornings now opening at 6:30 a.m. And every day its surprise: from Monday to Friday, don’t forget to let your ears hang out to discover the tickets (and bias) of our new columnists: Esther Duflo, Aurélie Jean, Heïdi Sevestre, Bernard Werber and Lionel Naccache.

To discover our other novelties and catch up on our first week, the catch-up session is made for that. On the program of this one: a sound walk in the heart of our new cultural waves, a step aside on the French educational policy in this eventful return to school, an exceptional meeting with Justine Triet whose Palme d’or fills the rooms every day, a round trip (criticized) to Burning Man, then an incredible and biographical journey into the life of Sam, painter of Polish Jewish origin and survivor of Auschwitz. Happy listening 🎧! Pierre Kron

Focus of the week: your good cultural vibes

Les Midis de Culture, Le Regard culturel, Le Grand Tour… Your new cultural events! © Radio France

Surely that makes sense, but pedagogy is the art of repetition: without culture, our airwaves would of course lose all reason to broadcast. So, this year even more, France Culture is honoring cultural productions in all their forms. Interviews, meetings, reports… Then an even more important place for criticism.

🎙 Cultural Lunchtimes : a critical, enthusiastic and sharp debate on all cultural novelties (cinema, literature, video games, essays, music, exhibitions, live shows), a great interview with a personality who shapes the spirit of the times, from ideas to artistic creations .

🎙 The Book Club (and all his new reading chronicles): this is the meeting place for lovers of reading! Every day, the show receives guests who tell us about the books they write, adapt, direct, as well as those they have read. And every other Friday, a personality opens the doors of his library to us.

🎙 The cultural gaze : a daily morning post on what makes vibrate the cultural world.

🎙 The Grand Tour: where Marie Sorbier realizes her Grand Tour of France and Europe, immersing us in the heart of cultural events. Festivals, book fairs, contemporary art fairs… A report to be found in the classic program Cultural Affairs.

It’s in the news

France is a somewhat special case, since school was a political issue very early on.” © Getty – Andrada Florea / 500px

🏫 Back to anger. Change of minister, (re)shifted baccalaureate exams, controversy over the abaya, announcement of replacements… A few days before returning to school, the start of the 2023 school year already promises to be eventful. The opportunity to take a step back to sketch out a long-term analysis of our educational policy, for which decisions are not always taken where we think… (Being and knowing, 58 min)

🎤 Nahel, two months. “We put that under the rug and we don’t talk about it anymore, but we don’t forget.” On June 27, Nahel Merzouk, 17, died during a police check in Nanterre. There followed three nights of urban riots which spread throughout France. Two months later, Nanterre still bears the scars of violence. Elected officials and associations are trying to reopen the dialogue. Report on the spot. (The Editorial Report, 4 min)

🦠 New new new wave. In the large family of Covid-19 variants, here are two new ones that are being closely watched by scientists and the World Health Organization. The first, named EG5 or ERIS, and the second, BA286, also called PIROLA. This summer, fever, body aches and fatigue reappeared in France. Three and a half years after the start of the pandemic, should we (still) prepare for a new wave? (CQFD Science, 58 min)

💰 War Crates. While coups d’état have multiplied in the countries of the Sahel over the past three years, with Niger recently, and the consecutive diplomatic ruptures are reshuffling the map of alliances in West Africa, these alerts question: with what means the countries in the region will they be able to continue waging their war against the jihadists? (The Time of the debate, 38 min)

Justine Triet, anatomy of an ascent

French director Justine Triet poses with her trophy after winning the Palme d’Or at Cannes for her film ‘Anatomy of a Fall’. © AFP – Loic Venance

Anatomy of a fall. It’s been 15 years since a Palme d’Or had made such a start in theaters. Nearly 350,000 spectators watched the merciless trial of a mother suspected of maricide. Her inspiration from Otto Preminger, everything she injects into words and eyes, the place of children and women in front of her camera… During a major interview, (re)discover the director Justine Triet and his cinematographic factory.

➡ Justine Triet: “With Anatomy of a Fall”, I thought I was making my most radical film” (Cultural Affairs, 59 min)

It’s time

In the middle of the Nevada desert in the United States currently stands an ephemeral city, Black Rock City. The birthplace of Burning Man. © Getty – Tomas Ovalle

You have 3️⃣ minutes

🔥 Desert crossing. Tens of thousands of flamboyant costumes, a city built (and taken apart) in the Nevada desert, showers of recreational drugs… Welcome to Burning Man! The idea: nine days back to basics, for a trip close to nature. In fact: a festival of carbon emissions against which activists for the defense of the climate are mobilizing more and more. (A Connected World)

You have 3️⃣0️⃣ minutes

👩‍👧‍👦 Another mother. It is the story of a loss that unites, of a bereavement that unites, that of a clan recomposed in tragedy. Milena was 14 when her mother’s feminicide left her an orphan. His brother is the only family he has left. But Florie, a friend of their late mother, steps in to give them back a life where love is no longer a lost ideal. ( Feet on the ground)

You have 3️⃣5️⃣ minutes

📚 Livres d’or. 466 new novels are about to invade bookstore shelves in the coming weeks. But don’t panic, France Culture and L’Obs have joined forces to guide you through this literary season. From satire to road movie, from François Bégaudeau to Maria Pourchet: discover our ten favorite novels. (The Morning Guest)

You have 8️⃣ X 2️⃣8️⃣ minutes

💭 But who was Sam? Author of radio documentaries, Antoine Tricot investigated for two years to keep a promise to his grandmother: to retrace the life of his friend Sam Mandelbaum, a painter of Polish Jewish origin, from his childhood among the Yiddish painters of the School from Paris to his life in Montparnasse in the 1950s, including his deportation to Auschwitz. A documentary in 8 episodes. (Remembering Sam, LSD, The Documentary Series)

And it’s the end of the session! In these difficult times of recovery for some, or of daily life which is inexorably stretching for others, do not hesitate to pick from this selection to continue to travel, think, imagine. This new grille is yours and your ears will have the whole year to tame it. A little bonus for your next walk in town, with an appropriate theme: the very first series of With Philosophy, “The street, place of all possibilities”. See you next week !

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