Home » today » News » Subject shoots inside a bus and bullet grazes the head of a minor – Telemundo New York (47)

Subject shoots inside a bus and bullet grazes the head of a minor – Telemundo New York (47)

A 14-year-old teenager managed to escape unscathed from what could be a tragedy after a subject shot inside an MTA bus in Harlem.

The shooting occurred around 10 a.m., when the eastbound M1 bus stopped at the 139th Street and Lenox Avenue stop on the southeast corner.

When the boy got on the bus at the main entrance, an unidentified man shot him point-blank, but the bullet just grazed him on the left side of his head, New York Police Inspector Peter said Thursday afternoon. Fiorello.

One bullet struck the metal bar of the protective shield covering the bus driver, while another bullet struck the front windshield of the bus. The 39-year-old bus driver suffered only a minor injury to his left hand.

“By the grace of God, he was not physically injured,” said Craig Cipriano, acting president of New York City Transit. The driver and the teenager were hospitalized.

The gunman fled on foot and detectives are now probing surveillance cameras in hopes of tracking his movements to the bus stop, Fiorello said.

The preliminary investigation indicates that the minor was the target of the shooting.

So far this year, crime is up about 12 percent compared to last year at Harlem Barracks 32, according to NYPD statistics.

Citywide shootings increased to 38 this year from 28 to the same period in 2020, an increase of 36 percent. However, shootings and murders decreased in recent weeks after a violent start to the summer.

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