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Subject faces charges for the murder of police officer in New York | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

hope: family, greets youhope ceballos.let’s go with the analysis ofstate of the union addressof president joe biden. butbefore we are going to start with anothernews, because they imputeis suspected of shooting aoff-duty officernypd during a bot attemptnot brooklyn.unfortunately, the uniformeddied this afternoon.jonathan inoa has the mostrecent of this story.jonathan remained conditioncitic and connected aquinasthat helped him breathe. todaysuccumbed to his injuries.a couple of uniforms andofficers of some rankthey came to the hospital to givegreetings to the people mitra betaken in an ambulance tocoroner’s office. thecommissioner made the announcementabout the death in his accounttwitter. I put the photo toofficial and manifested singingthey had for his death.says that success walls megets shot in the headon Saturday, when I was trying tohis brother-in-law trying to buy aauto por marketplace defacebook.the men wentambushes by randy jones, withthe criminal tried to steal themoney at gunpoint.randy was arrested this mondayand faces charges of murder anditent of asault.we talked to the councilorElix, who reacted to thedeath.>> it’s too sad that apoliceman, a 26-year-old fatherlose your life in violencefirearm. that says a lotincluding that the crisis ofgun violence usIt’s affecting everyone.we have to do a lot toresolve that crisis, includingwork with another governmentfederal to stop this weapon fromfire because they are enteringour city, we also haveto do much more forchange our systemsend a very clear messagethat this type of violenceis accepted in the city of newyork.jonathan: he writes like ahusband, and co-worker.before joining the nypd he wasfirst a police assistant..remember the dangerspotentials to try to doa purchase of some ad thatIt has been seen on the networkssocial, through facebookor any other platform ininternet.these purchases, have a lotbe careful and do not deliver or walk

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