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“‘Subacuatica’ is a way to disarm orders and prejudices” | Fernanda Ribeiz and Luciano Cáceres lead the show

Think and accept mapping. In times of change, that is the suggestion of Under watertheatrical adaptation of the novel of the same name by Melina Pogorelsky, What is first appearance this Saturday the 12th with a situation immersion which combines projections, lights and music and that Its main stage is the Suterh Cultural and Sports Center pool (Venezuela 330). With the address at Fernanda Ribeiz and Luciano Cáceres, and the performance of Juan Gil Navarro, Ariadna Asturzzi, Maricel Santin and Carolina Vilar, the work can be seen every Saturday at 9 p.m. Tickets will be purchased on site Another theater.

In a swimming pool, four characters stay away. Pablo has been sad for four years, since his wife, Mariela, died after giving birth to their daughter Lola. Diving into the water, while his daughter is taking swimming lessons, he finds half an hour to himself. In that place, he remembers Mariela, shares time with his sister Luciana, and meets Alejandra, a woman who is overwhelmed by motherhood. “The work deals with the reality of accept us as mothers and fathers, and accept the way we choose to go through that moment in our lives,” said Fernanda Ribeiz, who asked Luciano Cáceres to join the campaign. “Under waterno doubt talking about it active father and mother, with special qualities, problems, mistakes, multiple thoughts and a desire to go forward,” the actor reveals in the same way.

– How did you become part of this project? And who is interested in the proposal?

Luciano Caceres: – It was Fernanda who brought me the novel. And I liked the story, because I was watching it a lot cinematic. Since she is a film director, I thought that the project came from that direction, but then she told me that she wanted to bring the text to the theater, and from that moment we started dream about work. So, we started this madness about having the stage as a swimming pool.

Fernanda Ribeiz: -A screenwriter friend offered me to direct the proposal If you die, I will kill youanother novel by Melina that we started working on a while ago. And that’s how I met her in person. But before I had read his sagas The Super Minis y The Super 8. And that process made me read Under waterwhich was her first novel for adults. That reading led me into a story that was He accepted all forms of motherhood and fatherhood. It reminded me of my mother-in-law and I felt calm, that’s what water gives you when you swim. And I immediately saw it as a play and I couldn’t let go of the idea. Then I called the author, who loved the proposal. And I also talked to Luciano, because we had been wanting to do something together for a long time. I come from a film directing background and he has extensive experience in theater directing, so this project gave us the opportunity to work on a production that It goes deep, in every way.

– The play takes place in a real pool, which gives more realism to the situation. How did the management work on that?

FR: -We were putting the stage together based on what the pool suggested as a setting. We understood that water was the common noun in this story, and when it became a foundational part of the situation, everything grew. We understood that in order to go from one plane to another we had to cross the water, swim, dive​​​​​​​​​​​​ and underwater, and that was a moment of story and a situation that we needed to understand to be able to tell. Water is another character.

LC: – Working with water that generated some problems, but at the same time it also gave us the freedom of being able to imagine other times, getting out of everyday life when acting out scenes and thinking about other activities. Somehow, something that seemed to limit us became something that was extension of the proposal and it became a great experience that goes beyond just telling a story.

– What was the working process like since this is an adaptation of a novel? Did you work with the author?

FR: – Yes. We worked together on the first draft. Later, she came to the drama from a more personal process, and from that new text we started working on the direction, the path of the characters and the situation. As the passage from the text to the sink is needed reformation In some cases, we always work with her. Because if we choose to adapt one of his novels it is because something about his pen, his structure and his characters interested us. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to maintain what is said.

-The work examines the complexity of fatherhood and motherhood. Do you think there is more freedom today for this exercise to dismantle the orders and the common places around these links?

FR: -The work includes all maternal and paternal abilities without judgement, and that is a way to dismantle the orders and prejudices about how he should be a father or a mother. That’s the most interesting thing about it Under water. Alejandra is a mother who overcomes her motherhood, but lives in it with freedom total She accepts herself as she is in that transition and, with what she can and what she has, she moves forward, laughs and loves her son. That is wonderful. And Pablo, for his part, is a father who devotes all his time to his daughter and thinks only of her. He embodies that kind of father He doesn’t want to let go or lose anything. And that is what he chooses and can, until he realizes that he can also have some time for himself.

LC: – Personally, the thing that intrigues me the most about this work is that, in fact, it gives us the opportunity to talk about how times have changed, and to make it evident today that it has. more present parents. Pablo discusses things that happened to me taking my daughter swimming, almost the same age as Lola, such as how difficult it is not to be able to go into a locker room for her -change clothes. Today there are places that, little by little, are changing these issues and adapting to this reality of parenting.

– In this aspect, in cinema and theater we usually talk more about the orders and the guilt associated with motherhood, but here the spectrum opens and it is also invites to focus on the experiences of men. What reflections do you notice that the work enables in this sense?

LC: -For some time now, I believe that there are proposals that begin to talk about these advances, and I am grateful that this is the case. The world that praises Under water yes very richbecause he talks on different levels, he talks about the past, present and future and also about loving and active education. And I like to generate those kinds of experiences that challenge, allow us to reflect and reveal other truths.

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