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Suárez Illana turns his back on the Bildu spokesperson during her speech at the investiture session | Politics

The fourth secretary of the Board of Congress, Adolfo Suárez Illana, turned his back this Sunday to the Bildu spokesperson in the Lower House, Mertxe Aizpurua, during his speech at the investiture session held in Congress. The PP has released the photo of the ‘popular’ leader sitting on his back to the Bildu deputy as she intervened from the speaker’s podium in Congress, whose speech has been harshly criticized by the ‘popular’ parliamentarians.

Speaking to journalists later in the corridors of Congress, Suárez Illana assured that “one thing is to respect people and another thing is to respect their ideas and actions.” To your understanding, “not all facts or ideas are respectable”. “I think that for the vast majority of Spaniards, the one who provides logistical, legal or political coverage is as murderous as one who empties his weapon on the never defenselessness of a brother,” he said, citing ETA victim deputies such as Teresa Jiménez Becerril, Eduardo Madina, Ernest Lluch or Gabriel Cisneros. As he added, the “only crime” of all the victims was “wanting to live together in peace and freedom under the 1978 Constitution.”

Next, he recalled the words that his father, former president Adolfo Suárez, dedicated to him at the beginning of his political career 17 years ago: “Tomorrow you are going to dedicate yourself to the noblest task to which a man can dedicate his days, but you must remember that you are going to live with the excrescence. ” And he also said: “You must get used to living with the excrescence without ever being confused with it.” The PP deputy has indicated that when he heard Bildu’s words in the gallery of Congress He has remembered his father’s words. “And turning my back on them I have tried in the most respectful way for this camera to remember that wise advice”.

“Sánchez is going to be an employee of Bildu”

The intervention of EH Bildu has provoked harsh criticism in the ranks of the PP. The secretary general of the ‘popular’, Teodoro García Egea, has criticized that the Bildu spokesperson “dragged” the institutions onto the platform of Congress and that he considers that Arnaldo Otegi, convicted of belonging to ETA, “was unjustly in prison” . “Sánchez is going to be an employee of Bildu, a president at your service, “said García Egea in a message on his official Twitter account, which has been collected by Europa Press.

For his part, the vice-secretary of Territorial Policy of the PP, Antonio González Terol, has affirmed that EH Bildu has said that without his party “there is no progressive government of Sánchez.” “The worst of all is that he is right, only with the abstention of Bildu, of the filoetarras, Sánchez will be president,” he stressed. In addition, González Terol has assured that listening to the Bildu spokesperson talking about democracy is “like hearing Britney Spears talk about how to found convents.” “The filoetarras of Bildu, the nostalgic people of ETA, have laid their first stone for the Sánchez government,” he lamented. Congressman Agustín Almodóbar has described Aizpurua’s intervention as “shameful and infamous” and has welcomed the attitude of Suárez Illana. “Thanks partner, you represent me,” he said on his Twitter account.

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