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Styria is mobilizing: Now vaccinations are also taking place in the parishes

In order to increase the vaccination rate against the coronavirus in Styria, the local parishes are now also becoming vaccination centers.

It is a first step, not more: Currently around 60 percent of Styrians have been vaccinated for the first time, a little more than 50 percent have already received the second vaccination against the coronavirus. So that these numbers go up, the country is now trying to launch low-threshold vaccination campaigns. In addition to sports clubs and youth organizations, parishes and pastoral care rooms are to be brought on board in the future.

“With as many vaccination options as possible, we provide a wide range of options so that everyone who wants to be vaccinated has the opportunity to do so,” Governor Hermann Schützenhöfer and his deputy Anton Lang now appeal to Bishop Wilhelm Krautwaschl and his “teams” on site : “Our parishes are also invited to implement their own vaccination campaigns. They receive support from the communities and the vaccination coordination. “

Bishop Krautwaschl promises support

Fortunately, the two politicians walk in open (church) doors at the Styrian shepherd: “The vaccination campaign in the parishes and in the parishes is a good thing because, in the spirit of Pope Francis, it helps to protect life given by God. Your own and that of others, ”says Krautwaschl – and offers parish farms and their meeting areas vaccination campaigns.

The Protestant Church also guarantees support: “We are happy to support the Styrian vaccination campaign. Vaccination is an expression of solidarity. If as many people as possible get vaccinated, this is a sign of the cohesion of the population ”, superintendent curator Michael Axmann supports the efforts.

The end: Vaccination campaigns can be carried out from a number of 30 people. Interested parishes can obtain further information directly from the parishes, who have been informed about the procedure by letter from the vaccination coordinator.

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