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Styria: Free vaccination for 5- to 11-year-olds at the Grazer Messe location

Styria vaccinates
Photo: State of Styria

11 Dec


from the Salzburg editorial team
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Tomorrow, Sunday (December 12th) from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.:

Graz (December 11th, 2021) – In addition to the scheduled vaccinations for children aged five to five that will take place today and tomorrow (December 11th and 12th, 2021) at the Impfstraßen in Graz, Liezen and Premstätten as well as tomorrow also in Bruck an der Mur Eleven years ago, free vaccination campaigns for children in Styria took place for the first time on this weekend. The first free vaccination campaign for children will be offered today (December 11th, 2021) between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. in Murau.

MORNING (12.12.2021): Vaccination without prior notification for children in Graz There will be another free vaccination for children on Sunday (December 12th, 2021) for the first time in Graz: Between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. parents and their children can have a Corona- Pick up vaccination. Ten paediatricians will be available on Sunday at Impfstraße in Graz to provide vaccinations for children; children between the ages of five and eleven will be vaccinated with an adjusted dose of the vaccine from Biontech / Pfizer. “There is still sufficient capacity available for free vaccinations for children in Graz, long waiting times are not to be expected. We therefore call on spontaneous parents with their children to make use of this opportunity, especially with regard to the upcoming Christmas holidays ?, appeals to the Styrian vaccination coordination.

New daily record on the Styrian vaccination routes on Friday, December 10th:The Styrian vaccination coordination is also very pleased about yesterday’s (10.12.2021) vaccination figures in Styria. With a total of 11,484 vaccinations, 474 of them on the vaccination buses, there was a new daily record on the vaccination routes. The doctors in private practice took 13,621 vaccinations yesterday, making a total of 25,105 vaccinations. These included 18,873 third vaccinations, 4,341 second vaccinations and 1,891 first vaccinations.

General information:Registration for vaccination appointments for children is via the state’s vaccination platform at www.steiermarkimpft.at possible. In Styria, more than 120 resident doctors in the field of impfordation and paediatricians also offer child vaccinations. You can find more information on child vaccination here.

All those who would like to be vaccinated as part of free vaccination campaigns are requested to bring photo ID and the e-card as well as – if available – the yellow vaccination certificate.

Up-to-date data on vaccination rates at state, district and community level can be found on our vaccination dashboard.

Source: State of Styria

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