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Stuttgart Central Station: Trains are back to normal – with one exception

Stuttgart Central Station had to be evacuated on Tuesday morning. Trains will return to normal on Friday – but there is one exception.

  • A patrol discovered a mysterious cloud of smoke at Stuttgart Central Station.
  • Stuttgart Central Station was then evacuated.
  • Trains have been running normally again since Friday – with one exception.

Trains at Stuttgart Central Station are back to normal – just an exception

Update 2:27 p.m .: That should please all rail travelers! Drive after a cable fire at Stuttgart Central Station on Tuesday now almost all long-distance trains are back on schedule – said a railway spokesman on Friday against the dpa.

From 3 p.m. it should only give another exception: the connection in Klagenfurt and Frankfurt will continue to stop in Stuttgart. In addition, all tracks should then be passable again. Track 9 had not yet been released.

Stuttgart Central Station: Trains are back to normal – with a few exceptions

Update from February 7, 10.45 a.m .: After one Cable fire at Stuttgart Central Station on Tuesday, nothing went in the state capital – and in Chaos in public transport was preprogrammed. Now there is one good news for all rail travelers in Baden-Württemberg: Three days after the Stuttgart Central Station is closed, the Trains go back to normal.

At least most: bei three connections, the stop in Stuttgart must still be canceled, reports the SWR. They are affected IC trains between Munich and Karlsruhe, Munich and Frankfurt am Main and between Tübingen and Berlin. As a railroad spokesman told SWR on Friday morning, these trains stop Esslingen instead of in Stuttgart.

After blocking at Stuttgart Central Station: Passengers can cancel tickets

Due to the closure of Stuttgart Central Station, some had to Train connections fail and trains diverted become. For passengers who are affected Deutsche Bahn (DB) offers the following: Anyone who bought tickets between February 4 and 7 that were affected by the block can continue to use them. Tickets can be canceled free of charge until February 14th.

Stuttgart Central Station: Railway traffic normalizes

Update from February 6, 6.48 p.m .: In a press release, Deutsche Bahn confirms that the Repair work progress steadily after the fire at Stuttgart Central Station. The three information boards on the cross platform and the front train destination indicators on the platforms are back in operation. The platform sound system is working again. Additional service staff are in use so that the other electronic train destination indicators and the clocks and ticket machines will work again soon.

Stuttgart Central Station: Regional transport runs again according to the regular timetable

Good news: Since 4 p.m. 15 tracks in the main station can be used again. Therefore drives almost all regional traffic according to the regular timetable from and to Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof. The regional train from / to Geislingen / Ulm is an exception. To this day, this train continues to operate in Plochingen. Railway customers should note, however, that it is part of today’s operations short-term track laying can come on local trains.

After a fire at Stuttgart Central Station: Restrictions on long-distance traffic

Further important information for rail travelers: Trains towards Paris start and end in Karlsruhe. In addition, the IC connection between Karlsruhe and Nuremberg is only served between Aalen and Nuremberg. All other long-distance trains stop instead of at Stuttgart main station in Esslingen am Neckar, partly also in Vaihingen an der Enz. IC trains from the Rhine / Ruhr area end and start in Heidelberg. Scattered cancellations are still possible.

Train chaos past Stuttgart Central Station: normal traffic from Friday

But from Friday onwards again all local and long-distance trains according to the regular timetable run. The IC connection from Klagenfurt via Stuttgart to Frankfurt am Main is excluded. The S-Bahn trains run without restrictions on all lines. The Deutsche Bahn recommends that all passengers check in advance of the tripto inform about the current traffic situation and possibly plan a longer travel time.

Restrictions in Stuttgart train traffic: Tickets remain valid

All long-distance tickets for routes that were affected by the closure of Stuttgart Central Station remain valid. You can canceled free of charge until February 14th or after the end of the fault can be used flexibly. This also applies to train-bound tickets. There is more information on this here.

Stuttgart Central Station: Continued failures in rail traffic

Update from February 6th, 12 noon: There was one on Tuesday morning Brand am Stuttgart Central Station. The Station building had to be evacuated become. A break in the water pipe was the trigger for one Cable fire. There were failures and delays. Even today, two days later, the situation has not yet fully normalized. Passengers need to be on restrictions stop in rail traffic. Shortfalls in local and long-distance transport continue to occur. How long it will stay that way is loud stuttgarter-zeitung.de, not entirely clear.

Long-distance connections to Frankfurt, Graz, Karlsruhe, Cologne, Munich and Parisdo not stop at Stuttgart Central Station. A replacement stop was set up in Esslingen for this. There are also restrictions on connections to Dortmund, Klagenfurt, Leipzig and Nuremberg.

Regional express connections to Friedrichshafen fall out completely. Trains between Osterburken and Stuttgart end in Bietigheim-Bissingen. The same applies to trains between Würzburg and Stuttgart. Plochingen is the terminus on the connection between Geislingen an der Steige and Stuttgart.

Stuttgart Central Station closed to long-distance and regional traffic – delays must be expected

Update 1:07 p.m .: After Evacuation of Stuttgart main station in the morning the train station remains for the Long-distance and regional traffic blocked – This is announced by Deutsche Bahn (DB) in a press release. Apparently it came about because of one A water pipe breaks into a cable fire 7aktuell reports in a supply shaft, which affected signal and power lines.

The main station had to be closed to train traffic since 8.36 a.m. due to a fire brigade deployment. The DB explains: “The long-distance and regional trains are diverted or turn early.”

After all: The Train at Stuttgart Central Station runs on all lines – exception is Stuttgart Hbf (top). That means: with Delays must continue to be calculated. This also applies to all rail travelers! DB: “Regional trains turn to suburban train stations ahead of time. Travelers can change to the S-Bahn there.”

After Stuttgart Central Station is closed: long-distance trains are diverted or canceled

Long-distance traffic is also affected by the closure of Stuttgart Central Station. As DB reports, train cancellations can occasionally occur. The long-distance trains stop in Esslingen instead of Stuttgart. The following train connections are exceptions:

  • Long-distance trains from Hamburg end or start in Mannheim.
  • Trains from Paris end and start in Karlsruhe.
  • Trains in the direction of Zurich via Singen end and start in Böblingen.
  • The long-distance trains between Karlsruhe and Nuremberg are eliminated.

The DB recommends to all passengers “in good time before departure www.bahn.de or in the DB Navigator app via the to inform current traffic situation and plan a longer travel time. The DB cannot yet say how long the block will last and how long passengers can expect to experience impairments.

Stuttgart Central Station closed: fire brigade extinguishes fire

Update 11.10 a.m .: The fire department was able to catch the fire on Stuttgart Central Station Clear. As the Federal Police Baden-Württemberg tweeted, they stay Shut-off measures still exist. Of the S-Bahn traffic has been resumed, but there may still be delays. The Operations at the station meanwhile continue to run.

Stuttgart Central Station: S-Bahn traffic is slowly starting up again

Update 10.46 a.m .: As the Federal Police Baden-Württemberg tweeted that the end of the fire service is not yet foreseeable. The S-Bahn traffic blocked was canceled. Travelers are gradually returning to the Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof (deeply) let in to the Light rail to get. Just yesterday, on January 3, the 500th demonstration against Stuttgart 21 took place at the main train station.

Stuttgart Central Station closed: station building cleared

First report from February 4, 10 a.m .: Am Stuttgart Central Station nothing works on Tuesday morning. Passengers have to deal with substantial Disabilities in rail transport count. The rail traffic was completely stopped. Long-distance trains have been redirected. S-Bahn can no longer move to the underground stations. The reason for this is one mysterious cloud of smokethat had raised an alarm around 8:30 a.m.

Stuttgart Central Station closed: considerable disabilities in rail traffic!

The origin and cause were initially not clear, reported stuttgarter-nachrichten.de. According to a spokesman, a patrol discovered the smoke that spread over the Pavements had spread. With three vehicles The fire department hurried to the main train station in Stuttgart. A open fire but could not be determined. The Station building was cleared for security.

On New Year’s Eve, a dispute between two men in a Stuttgart S-Bahn escalates. One bites the other’s ear.

There was sexual harassment on a regional train from Kirchheim to Stuttgart. A man caressed a young woman’s leg.

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