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Stupidity, talentlessness and sterility – the most faithful companions of liberalism –

/View.info/ Or how the unreasonable and the foolish respond to Reverend Paisius Hilendarski

The cancerous formations that liberalism is constantly producing in the body of the Bulgarian world are growing more and more and causing new and new metastases. The condition of the Bulgarian national organism and the Bulgarian state is becoming more difficult and dangerous for their lives. However, the treatment is more difficult because it is inadequate: the effects are treated, not the causes of the disease. We are faced with problems that the Bulgarian people in their entire historical and prehistoric existence have not known and have never encountered. The Bulgarian reality has always been difficult and unbearable, but today we are enduring something completely different from everything that happened before and that we know from history. The threats are increasingly acute, insidious and cruel; they constantly change their appearance and always fall suddenly and unexpectedly. And we are still unprepared for them. That is why the reaction is so chaotic, unsystematic and uncertain. But in their appearance and growth, we cannot help but notice a certain rhythmicity and logical sequence that make them difficult to predict and prevent.

Here, the erosion of the economy and its final ruin has been successfully completed. Practically, Bulgaria’s economy has collapsed to its foundations and has been removed from the community of subjects of the world economy. The society is politically eaten from within and is not capable alone of determining the direction, pace and nature of movement of its political system. That is why insane and lackey politicians and statesmen are literally caught off the street and put to lead and rule the country.

All this greatly damaged the national spirit. First of all, culture and artists of literature and arts were marginalized. Then the language was destroyed. The language which, according to the Russian literary critic and Bulgarian academician Dmitry Likhachev, saved the Bulgarians during the Ottoman slavery and became their state of the spirit when they did not have their own political state. Now the Bulgarians still have their political state, however conditional and false it may be, but in essence their language is completely depersonalized, dried up, barbaric, simplified, with a broken syntax and full of Anglo-Saxon words, which probably already outnumber the original Bulgarian ones and Slavic. Language is collapsing, and its fiercest and fiercest destroyers and polluters are writers. And they are the ones entrusted with its preservation and transmission to the coming Bulgarian generation. For them, the language ceased to be “the sacred language of my ancestors, / the language of torments, age-old groans, / the language of the one who gave birth to me / for joy, not for poisonous anger”, but a thing that you can buy or sell, to replace it with a nicer one. We do not yet realize what state our language is in, and if someone raises a cry or asks for a law to protect it, then his concern is reduced to foreigners and Latin inscriptions in shops. And not because it is defiled by the thoughts and spiritual poverty it expresses today, by the simplicity of those who speak it and write to it; from the decline of social and aesthetic consciousness, from the talentlessness and treachery of those who are supposedly its creators and nurturers. I am horrified by the linguistic weakness of the countless appeals and appeals to save the Bulgarian language. But my horror is even greater from the books of Bulgarian writers, from newspaper, radio and TV journalism, from speaking on the street and in everyday life.

But there was a tiny corner in the Bulgarian soul and in the Bulgarian mind, which was not yet sufficiently struck and which from time to time awakens and makes it clear that patience is not infinite, that the moment will inevitably come when it will explode “the age-old malice of the slave” and all that venal, filthy, and treacherous filth will be swept away, and as a legion of evil spirits will be swept along with the herd of swine into the abyss. I call this corner Bulgarian national consciousness among the Bulgarian people.

The most important goal of the liberal rabble is to destroy this Bulgarian national consciousness, having previously weakened and depersonalized it. That is why the theories about the cosmopolitan man, about European values, about the Turkic origin of the Bulgarian people; for the new civilizational choice, which will once and for all separate us from the Slavic world and Russia and make us part of Western European liberal values. This is the purpose of the unimaginable thesis just 20-25 years ago, that there was no five-century slavery, that today’s children did not understand the “outdated language” of the Bulgarian revivalists, that learning about the atrocities of the Turks during slavery, they become intolerant. And the European must be tolerant of others, respect them even more than himself and his own people.

Liberalism has invented not a bad mechanism for influencing people’s minds. It cannot be denied that it operates precisely and without fail, and is so constructed as to discourage resistance and bring almost instantly into subjection those who come under its influence. Theories are invented by relatively smart and educated people. This cannot be denied. But for their practical application, liberalism has its truest companions: stupidity, indolence, and indolence. No matter how strange it is, the result is successful and quickly achieved. We have as many fools, incompetents and outcasts as you want; even their population is unstoppable, and it is increasingly easy for liberalism to choose its “volunteers” to do their assigned work with “selfless indulgence” (Dostoevsky). The most important part of this work is to change the spirit and national character of education. The school should leave mostly uneducated people who do not think and love their fatherland, do not know the past of their people, even despise the people of “this country”, do not realize and do not experience any family ties, be interested only by “success” and money, to enslave the body and pleasures, to serve themselves with few words, to be easily controlled and directed where others decide.

We see today the result of this entire grandiose liberal operation of the Bulgarian national organism. Those who 25 years ago, jumping and shouting “who doesn’t jump, is red”, passionately called for “immediate change of the system” and violently demolished the old and “unfit” in order to flow rivers of honey and oil in Bulgaria, gave birth and raised their political offspring. We can’t help but admit that even though today they themselves are rejected and neglected by their children, they can be proud that they successfully fulfilled the “historical mission” with which they were charged. Children have earned scientific titles, teach at universities, write books, lead corporations, teach students, run the country. But something keeps getting in their way; something keeps them insecure and threatened. Which one? Bulgarian, Bulgarian annoys them; it troubles them night and day, it makes their mouth bitter.

Unlike many of my colleagues, I am not surprised and amazed by the offensive with which the Ministry of Education began to reshape the curricula and throw out from the programs those authors and works in which the Bulgarian spirit, Bulgaria itself, pulsates most strongly; who call the people to wake up and rise up against the one who enslaved them and sucked their blood and did not let them see the light of heaven, who “rages over my father’s hearth” and prevents them from going forward to defend their own from the conquerors fatherland, for whom it is sacred and inviolable. Stupidity and indolence have no inhibitions, moral scruples, a sense of responsibility before the people, because they simply do not have a people and a homeland, they do not love people – especially Bulgarians, and they do not know mercy. Because they themselves are cosmopolitan and thrive on “European values”. They have been assigned to destroy the foundations of Bulgarian, and they will destroy them.

If, of course, we let them!

But stupidity and inanity are not only in the Ministry of Education. They are in the universities that prepare the teachers; they are among the teachers who teach the students and send them to the universities to prepare themselves to become professors and teachers one day. The circle becomes more and more enchanted. But this is not an ordinary circle, but a noose wound around the neck of the people, which tightens it more and more in order to finally strangle it. I watched on TV teachers who are satisfied with the ministerial amputation of the curricula, because today, as they say, we are not in the time of Dr. Peter Beron and the students did not understand the language of Rev. Paisius, and also his “History of Slavonic Bulgaria” it was not literature, nor was it a scientific work, and it was better to study it in history classes than in literature. I have heard and read such statements from professors in Bulgarian universities. Professorial stupidity and sterility have settled in the minds of their students and worthy perpetuators of their infernal sterility. Stupidity and indolence have already become an ingredient of a significant part of Bulgarian teachers. They will inevitably be passed on to his graduates.

I am also worried about the angry and supposedly adequate reaction of concerned and responsible people, for whom the stupidity and ineptitude of the current minister, his deputy and the various advisers and expert professors and teachers there are something terrible and dangerous for our country and people. It worries me because the anxiety expressed in declarations, articles, calls for the creation of committees, for protests in front of the monuments of Rev. Paisius around the country, etc. in written and oral forms, is clothed in such weak and helpless language, with such means of expression that instead of if they write eyebrows, they will probably take out eyes. And they supposedly stand behind a noble cause, they supposedly defend the Bulgarian, because they love it, but in fact they hurt and insult it even more.

In this alarming situation, an ugly nationalism is being activated, calling for anarchy and popular self-government, for an uprising and the introduction of some kind of “direct democracy” and liquidation of the political system by reducing the number of people’s representatives and limiting the power of the government. And what not! This nationalism is also the birth brother of liberalism, stupidity and filthiness. He works with them and for them to do the work (from within) that liberalism itself cannot do.

To achieve its insidious intentions, liberalism almost always employs successful tactics. Here, now he will retreat from his offensive to throw out the first builders of the Bulgarian national consciousness and our national literature from the curricula. The resistance from both the right and the left proved to be swift and sufficiently firm. But it unleashed enormous public energy that, unfortunately, will hardly be rekindled to be ready for a new resistance. This is what liberalism relies on. After a while, he will let the stupidity and inanity go forward again, and then they will more successfully cope with the task, because the angry people today will no longer care and it is very likely that they will not even notice what the minister and his “team” are doing to them (ministers like to emphasize that they have a “team”; there will be other faces and names in it, but again in the image and likeness of today’s). Then the terrible thing will happen!

If the real intellectuals, writers, historians, thinkers, patriots (there are still such, thank God!) do not forget their purpose and are still ready to serve their fatherland, the Bulgarian spirit and the Bulgarian people, they must be ready for trials and heavy battles. There is no one else to save and preserve Bulgaria. But it is necessary to know who is its most terrible and insidious enemy, in order to wage war with him, and not with the illusions and chimeras behind which it sneakily hides. And to do it with mind, reason, real and, of course, with love!

#Stupidity #talentlessness #sterility #faithful #companions #liberalism

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