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Stunning Stitched Image of the Starry Sky: Northern and Southern Hemispheres Combined

[SAPOD]Today’s “Space Image”. We introduce characteristic images introduced by sorae in the past, attractive images released by space agencies of various countries, and images submitted by space astronomy fans and experts. (There is a link to the original article at the end of the article)

(Source: sorae portal site to the universe)


Image Credit: P. Horálek & JC Casado / ESO
sorae – European Southern Observatory releases a beautiful starry sky image that combines the night skies of the northern and southern hemispheres

This was introduced by sorae in the article on September 15, 2021.A stitched image of the night sky taken at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory in the Canary Islands (top half) and the La Silla Observatory in Chile (bottom half).“is.

This image, released by the European Southern Observatory (ESO), was taken by photographers Petr Horarek and Juan Carlos Casado, and the top half is of the Canary Astrophysics Research Institute in the Canary Islands in the northern hemisphere. The lower half of the image was taken at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile in the southern hemisphere.

This image, which stitches together the night sky taken in the northern and southern hemispheres, shows the impressive Milky Way meandering from north to south.

The zodiacal light, which extends upward and downward, is also visible in the center of the image. Zodiacal light is a faint band of light visible along the ecliptic, which is the apparent path of the sun in the celestial sphere. It’s true. By the way, it is Venus that shines so brightly that it overlaps with the zodiacal light in the northern hemisphere.

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