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Stunning discovery from scientists! Black holes can produce gold

Scientists have found that black holes can produce heavy elements such as gold and silver while they are still in formation.

Astrophysicists from the GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research, in collaboration with colleagues from Japan and Belgium, conducted computer simulations to see the synthesis of heavy elements in their research. Emphasizing that conditions requiring high energy must arise for the formation of these elements, the researchers concluded that black holes can create the appropriate environment.

The simulations pointed to an accretion disk of hot and dense matter that engulfs the celestial body due to the gravitational pull of black holes. These disks accelerated the conversion of protons to neutrons, facilitating dense neutron formation. The researchers noted that the presence of a large number of neutrons is the basic requirement for the formation of these heavy elements.

In short, black holes could transform the dust and gas they had drawn from the surrounding area into elements such as gold, silver and uranium when they were formed.

“We have for the first time systematically investigated the conversion rates of neutrons and protons in accretion disks with different properties through detailed simulations,” said Oliver Just, co-author of the study, published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, the peer-reviewed scientific journal of the Royal Astronomical Society. We found that as long as these discs can be very rich in neutrons.” used the expressions.

Researchers have also identified some conditions that can inhibit gold production in black holes.

For example, the disk’s mass being too high would cause the reverse reaction, resulting in neutrons being converted back into protons.

According to the report of the Independent; Stating that heavy elements are produced most efficiently in disks whose mass is between 1 and 10 percent of the Sun, Just said, “The determining factor is the total mass of the disk.” said.

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