Stunned: A 107-year-old grandmother has horns growing on her head.
On October 29, 2024, foreign media reported a news story that became a social media sensation in China. There was a picture of a 107-year-old grandmother, but what was strange and terrible for many was that horns were growing on her head.

This grandmother lives in Puning, Guangdong Province, China She has something on her head that might not be called a skin tag. It is not a tumor at all. But it looks like the horns of animals. which is more than 4 inches long, most people who see it believe that it is a sign of Grandma’s longevity.

However, after the picture was published, there was one doctor who came out to explain that Grandma’s head was not horns, but the epidermis that came from a skin disease. There may also be warts caused by infection with the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which is a risk factor for cancer. Along with warning grandmothers and grandchildren to watch out for symptoms. If abnormalities are found, you should see a doctor immediately.

There are news reports that the discovery of a 107-year-old grandmother with something like horns on her head is not the first. Several years ago, another 107-year-old woman was found with horns growing from the center of her head. This symptom cannot yet be determined for whom it occurs. Or what does the person look like? First, it is only expected that he will be in the middle age group aged 40-50 years onwards.

Medical reports also say that the condition is related to sunlight. People who are often exposed to sunlight are more likely to grow horns. apart from the head such horns can also grow on the neck, arms, back of the hands, eyelids, torso, and other parts of the body.
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2024-10-31 07:08:00