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studying medicine is a risk factor

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“Being a doctor is risk factor for suicide”, He said Teresa Fortoul van der Goes, an academic from the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), in his article Don’t stop the clock disseminated in the magazine of this dependence.

He said that the literature in this regard reports that the frequency of depression between Medicine students It ranges between 27 and 29 percent and becomes up to 60 percent among those who practice the medical profession, while another study indicates that there is a greater suicidal ideation in residents of urology, psychiatry, forensic and internal medicine.

The doctor of Science explained that the reasons for this situation can be several, from the workload, the pressures of professional practice, greater pressure from patients and extreme regulation in institutions.

“The difficulty in requesting help and assuming you as a patient is another problem that adds to the previous ones,” said the specialist in pulmonology, adding that a situation that is commonly mentioned regarding the high suicide rate in doctors is that “they know how to do it”.

In your article Suicide in doctors, a reality ignored, Jorge Alvarado and Edgar Manrique considered that early intervention programs in mental health addressed from medical schools could reduce depressive symptoms and suicidal ideas.

In addition to this, multidisciplinary interventions are required that allow early detection of alterations in mental health, as well as creating intervention policies, they added.

“To consider that the doctor is a superman or a superwoman is to forget that they are also human and that they should not suffer in silence what worries or afflicts them,” said Fortoul van der Goes.


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