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Study to determine effectiveness of saltwater on Covid-19 coming soon

Following the results of an initial study on the effectiveness of gargling salt water to reduce sore throats, researchers want to know if it could be the same against Covid-19.

Covid-19 ? C’est une piste qui va être prochainement étudiée par les chercheurs de l’université d’Edimbourg (Ecosse). Grâce à son pouvoir décongestionnant, le gargarisme d’eau salée permet de soulager le mal de gorge en réduisant le gonflement ce qui aide alors à réduire la douleur. Recently, Scottish scientists have decided to explore the effectiveness of this treatment as a solution to relieve patients with the new form of the coronavirus. Researchers came up with this idea by observing results from the Edinburgh and Lothians Viral Intervention Study, as reported by Medisite. In this trial, participants used gargles of salt water to relieve their cough. Thanks to these observations, the researchers had found that rinsing the throat with a solution could reduce the severity of the cough, decongest the nose and reduce the duration of the cold by two days less. In addition, scientists had found that these patients were less likely than others to transmit their colds. “Data-reactid =” 24 “> What if a simple grandmother’s remedy could relieve certain symptoms of Covid-19? is a track that will soon be studied by researchers at the University of Edinburgh (Scotland). Thanks to its decongestant power, gargling salt water helps relieve sore throat by reducing swelling which then helps reduce pain.

Recently, Scottish scientists have decided to explore the effectiveness of this treatment as a solution to relieve patients with the new form of the coronavirus. The researchers came up with this idea by observing the results of the Edinburgh and Lothians Viral Intervention Study, as reported by Medisite. In this trial, participants used gargles of salt water to relieve their cough. Thanks to these observations, the researchers had found that rinsing the throat with a solution could reduce the severity of the cough, decongest the nose and reduce the duration of the cold by two days less. In addition, scientists had found that these patients were less likely than others to transmit their colds.

A test in progress

Covid-19. Selon eux, le sel pourrait stimuler les “innate immune mechanisms”Inside the airway cells. “We will now test our salt water gargles in suspected or confirmed Covid-19 people, and hope this will prove to be a useful measure to reduce the impact and spread of the infection.”Announces Professor Aziz Sheikh, director of the Usher Institute at the University of Edinburgh. “data-reactid =” 26 “> As Medisite explains, the authors of this study then hypothesized that this gargling of salt water could provide a solution for patients suffering from Covid-19. salt could stimulate “innate immune mechanisms”Inside the airway cells. “We will now test our salt water gargles in suspected or confirmed Covid-19 people, and hope this will prove to be a useful measure to reduce the impact and spread of the infection.”Announces Professor Aziz Sheikh, director of the Usher Institute at the University of Edinburgh.

Covid-19 pour tester ce remède. Un traitement particulièrement simple comme le rappelle le Pr Sheikh : “It only requires salt, water and some understanding of the procedure. It should therefore – if it proves effective – be easy and inexpensive to implement on a large scale“Data-reactid =” 27 “> The team is currently looking for volunteers with Covid-19 signs to test this remedy. A particularly simple treatment, as Professor Sheikh recalls:It only requires salt, water and some understanding of the procedure. It should therefore – if it proves effective – be easy and inexpensive to implement on a large scale”.

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