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Study: The most common symptoms of covid-19 for the vaccinated

A printout from Dagens Nyheter, 2021-12-05 00:42

Article origin address: https://www.dn.se/varlden/studie-vanligaste-covidsymtomen-for-vaccinerade-och-ovaccinerade/

A doctor in France examines a woman who has lost her sense of smell after having covid-19.

Foto: John Leicester/AP

Fever and fatigue top the list of the most common covid symptoms in a study where participants themselves have reported their symptoms via an app. Chief physician Magnus Gisslen thinks that the study provides a complementary picture of covid-19, which is difficult to obtain in any other way.

– It is clear that vaccinated people get a milder disease compared to unvaccinated people, he says.

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