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Study: Sinovac Corona Vaccine has a higher risk of causing facial paralysis

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Vaccine Sinovac and Pfizer for Covid-19 are thought to both increase the risk of facial palsy or Bell’s palsy. However, Sinovac vaccine recipients have a higher risk of the disease than Pfizer.


Dalam jurnal yang diterbitkan The Lancet Infectious Diseases, risiko meningkat setelah pemberian dosis pertama vaksin covid-19 Sinovac.

Meski terdapat efek samping, menurut jurnal tersebut, dampak menguntungkan vaksin dalam melindungi covid-19 lebih besar. "Efek yang menguntungkan dan protektif dari vaksin Covid-19 jauh lebih besar dibandingkan risiko efek samping yang umumnya sembuh sendiri ini," kata penelitian tersebut.


Studi dilakukan terhadap 451.000 orang lebih. Ada 28 kasus lumpuh wajah atau bell's palsy setelah pemberian vaksin Sinovac. Angkanya lebih tinggi dibandingkan pemberian vaksin Pfizer-BioNtech yaitu 16 kasus.

“Our findings suggest an increased risk of bell’s palsy overall after vaccination,” the study said.

Research conducted in Hong Kong assessed the risk of side effects appearing after 42 days of vaccination. However, Sinovac has not made a statement on the findings.

At the beginning of last year, Israel also reported 13 people experiencing facial paralysis after injections Covid-19 vaccine made by Pfizer-BioNTech. It is claimed to be a side effect of the vaccine. However, facial paralysis is included in the mild category and is easily cured.


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