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Study shows impacts of quarantine on mental health of Colombians

The quarantine has not left people undaunted in Colombia. So far, the country has 121 days of confinement due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which has not stopped generating effects on the mental health of Colombians, who reflect these impacts in higher levels of depression and anxiety.

According to the PSY-COVID study in its first report entitled ‘Effects on mental health of the Colombian population during the Covid-19 pandemic’, which was carried out by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), in cooperation with the College Colombian of Psychology and other allied entities, and applied among 18,061 people from all regions of the country, a large part of Colombians have experienced affectation in their mental and physical health.

See the full study here

In fact, 35% of the people consulted in the country reported having symptoms of depression since the quarantine began nationwide on March 25. During this time of isolation, 29% of the population also manifested anxiety, according to the records analyzed by the specialists.

The pandemic, as explained by the researchers, accentuated the prevalence and the harmful effects on mental health of Colombians who already reported high depressive and anxious symptoms.
Likewise, analysts found that 21% of Colombians who were part of the study experienced loneliness during the months corresponding to mobility restrictions.

“In the analysis, we found that women, young adults between 18 and 29 years of age, and people with low income levels have been the most affected by the pandemic, because similar trends in the prevalence of anxiety and depression. This is something that coincides with previous studies in which a trend is seen among the younger population groups, especially among women, of greater affectation and risk, “said Juan Pablo Sanabria, researcher of the Stress and Health Research Group ( GIES) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), who coordinated the study in Colombia.

On the other hand, 31% of Colombians reported suffering somatic symptoms during isolation, that is, they have had physical manifestations due to the anxiety and stress that they currently have due to the conditions in which they are living due to the pandemic. This means that 45% of people have experienced back pain, while 21% have suffered from headaches.

“50% of people reduced their physical activity, this is related to the fact that there is a higher level of walking, which implies, for example, an increase in back ailments; because many people have had to be working while sitting for long hours, “said Sanabria.
Another effect that confinement due to the Covid-19 pandemic has caused among Colombians has been an improvement in job performance. According to the analyzes, 55% of the respondents perceived a decrease in their economic income in recent months and 63% deteriorated their work activity.

“We found that sleep habits have been directly affected, since by modifying behavioral changes such as routines for rest, feeding, and physical activity, what it does is contribute to potentiating the effect on depressive and anxious symptoms. For example, many people are teleworking and have to coexist with the rest of the activities that they must carry out, such as university professors who must attend the classes and their students, continue with their routines and, in addition, must answer for their family activities and find how balance the loads. This means that the perception that work activity has deteriorated is increasing, ”said the GIES researcher at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

This has also generated some instability and perception of insecurity regarding the future by Colombians, since 69% feel that the current situation of the coronavirus has threatened their employment or their studies; while 74% feel the same affront regarding their income. Likewise, 62% perceive a certain type of threat to their health, and 46% of those surveyed said they feel that their personal relationships may also suffer in the midst of this health emergency.

The positive side of quarantine

In the midst of the pandemic, not everything is bad. These days of isolation have also fostered new behaviors and positive attitudes among Colombians, especially growth and personal fulfillment.

In this sense, it was found that 45% of the respondents obtained high scores in resilience, that is, the capacity that people have to overcome difficulties and adversities.

This was evident in aspects such as 60% improved their relationship with others, 65% reported spiritual growth and 82% of the Colombians consulted increased their appreciation for life.

“Despite the fact that people are experiencing complications in the course of this pandemic, people have come out stronger from it and have had the opportunity to grow,” said Sanabria, who highlighted that 71% of the people who participated in the study increased their personal strength for the past few months.

Other consolidated results showed that 60% highlighted a discovery of new opportunities, while 38% improved their relationships as a couple or their family relationships; and another 15% also developed better relationships with their neighbors.

About the study

The PSY-COVID study, carried out by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), in cooperation with the Colombian College of Psychology and 25 allied entities, is the result of the analysis of anonymous online surveys of 18,061 people from all regions of the country.

The study was carried out in Colombia between May 20 and June 20, with a period of four weeks in which 120 variables of mental and public health were evaluated.

In the report, ‘Effects on the mental health of the Colombian population during the Covid-19 pandemic’, analysts exposed the effects of the quarantine.

The psychological assessment instruments used in this research were validated by 30 experts in health psychology and public health, in order to facilitate a common metric of analysis among the countries involved in the study.

This initiative is being developed in 25 countries, with the participation of 80 researchers from 40 universities.

Valle, similar to the rest of the country

In Valle del Cauca, the results of the study are not far from the national consolidated, since in the department the researchers found that of the 5055 people consulted, 38% had symptoms of depression during the confinement, only three points more than the national average.

Furthermore, 30% reported having anxiety symptoms and 21% also felt lonely during isolation.

On the other hand, 54% of the vallecaucanos that participated in the study saw a decrease in their economic income, while 62% deteriorated their work activity. Likewise, 50% reduced their physical activity and 52% worsened their sleep habits.

Meanwhile, as at the national level, Valle del Cauca showed a positive view of the current situation of Covid-19. In fact, 45% scored highly on resilience. And 29% of Vallecaucanos have experienced high personal and spiritual growth during confinement.

Likewise, 56% of the respondents increased their free time and 36% improved their diet.

“This time has enabled a window of spiritual growth, an opportunity for many people to experience better experiences with themselves and their environment. There is a great post-traumatic growth ”, said Juan Pablo Sanabria, researcher of the Stress and Health Research Group of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

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