The simple fact of straightening your hair is something very common and that a large part of people -mostly women- do it daily. Now a study shows alarming datathere are straightening products that can cause cancer due to the amount of chemicals they contain.
Sodium hydroxide linked to cancer
Hair straighteners that contain bleach could cause uterine cancer by wearing a very high amount of sodium hydroxide. The report of the National Institute of Health of the United States has located a possible link in the many cases of this kind of disease found among African-American women. “At the moment, no direct association has been demonstrated between the sodium hydroxide, a common component of relaxers of the hair, and the risk of cancer”, assured Rodrigo Sánchez Bayona, scientific secretary of the Spanish Medical Oncology Organization
no solid evidence
Neither does the UK Cancer Research Center. there is no clear evidence or solid proof. Although, for the dozens of women who have already filed lawsuits against cosmetic brands in the United States, the relationship is obvious. All of the plaintiffs are African-Americans who for years they straightened their hair and they believe that this could cause cancer.
Chemical-free products
In beauty salons in Madrid they bet for more natural products. In ‘Nubians Hair’ -a Madrid salon- Awanda Pérez indicated the purpose of using chemical-free products: “We want promote hair care natural, afro and curly”
“No more bleach” is the campaign with which hairdressers promote the cessation of toxic products around the world and pressure other centers to stop using them. uterine cancer it accounts for about 3% of all new cancer cases. It is the most common cancer of the female reproductive system with an estimated 65,950 new cases in the year 2022. Uterine cancer incidence rates have increased in the United States, particularly among black women.
Study data
The study conducted in the United States in 2021 yielded alarming figures. In this study, 33,497 American women between the ages of 35 and 74 are counted who participate in the Sister Study, which is directed by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, which seeks to identify risk factors for breast cancer and other medical problems. These women were followed up for almost 11 years, during which time 378 cases of uterine cancer were diagnosed.
2023-04-27 16:33:56
#Alert #United #States #hair #straightening #product #uterine #cancer