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Study shows effects and possible risks

What are the effects of consuming alcohol on an airplane? The German Aerospace Center investigated this in a study with test subjects.

  • Even moderate amounts can reduce the oxygen content in the blood

  • Sleep quality may deteriorate

  • Risks for older and sick people still unclear

A beer to fall asleep with, a glass of Prosecco to start your holiday, a fine tipple in business class – many air travellers reach for alcoholic beverages in the cabin. possible health riskespecially for those who want to sleep on longer journeys.

In a study with test subjects, experts from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) explain the consequences of consuming alcohol on an airplane with a unfavourable interaction“The combination of alcohol, sleep and the reduced pressure conditions in an aircraft cabin during a long-haul flight reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood and increases the heart rate over a longer period of time, even in young and healthy people,” says PD Dr. Eva-Maria Elmenhorst, the project leader of the study.

Alcohol on the plane can increase heart rate

For the DLR study, 48 people aged between 18 and 40 were divided into two groups. One went to a sleep laboratory (normal air pressure), the other to an altitude chamber with an air pressure similar to that at cruising altitude (2438 meters above sea level). Sleep patterns, heart rate and oxygen levels in the blood of the test subjects – with and without alcohol. Half of each group drank an amount of alcohol equivalent to about two glasses of wine or two cans of beer before going to sleep. The other half of the group remained sober.

The low air pressure at cruising altitude led to a lower oxygen content in the bloodIn the test subjects who did not consume alcohol, it was around 88 percent, while in those who consumed alcohol, it was just over 85 percent on average (normal values: 95 to 99 percent). Overall, alcohol slightly reduced the oxygen content in the blood. Too little oxygen in the blood (hypoxemia) – and thus in the entire organism – can be dangerous.

Influence on resting heart rate and sleep

In the group that had consumed alcohol, the Heart rate – on average to around 88 beats per minute. An increase that is not dangerous per se: the average resting heart rate of adults with a healthy heart is normally between 60 and 100 heartbeats per minute. “The specific risks that result from this for frequent flyers and the elderly and sick are still unclear and could be investigated in further studies,” says PD Dr. Jakob Ledwoch, senior physician in cardiology at the ISAR Clinic in Munich and member of the ADAC Medical Association. “People with heart or lung diseases should, however, Be careful with alcohol at altitude be.”

Anyone who suffers from an illness and planning a flightshould seek medical advice if you are unsure. Make sure to take any necessary medication with you in your hand luggage.

Note: This information has been carefully researched, but is not a substitute for advice from a doctor. All information is provided without guarantee.

Expert advice: PD Dr. Jakob Ledwoch, Chief Physician Telemedicine, Senior Physician Cardiology, ISAR Clinic, Member of the ADAC Medical College

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