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Study reveals “damaged tissue and DNA” in a new coronary deceased

As the percentage of seriously ill patients with the new coronavirus variant decreases, the outbreak is expected to develop into the flu. But a new study pointed out that “the new coronavirus is not the flu,” and autopsy results show that the heart tissue and DNA of the newly confirmed deceased crown were damaged, an effect never seen in the past with severe respiratory viruses.

▼ Some studies have pointed out that “the new coronavirus will not be the flu”. (Scheme / taken from unsplash)

According to extensive foreign media reports, a research team from the University of Queensland (UQ) in Australia has found that although the new corona is a severe respiratory virus like influenza, the new corona virus “attacks the heart directly and damages the DNA of the tissues “. After dissecting the remains of seven confirmed unvaccinated Brazilian deaths, six common deaths and two deaths from flu, the team confirmed that only the heart tissue DNA of the new confirmed crown was damaged.

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Dr Arutha Kulasinghe, who led the study, pointed out that although no viral particles were detected in the damaged heart tissue, the damaged tissue showed excessive inflammation and tissue changes related to DNA damage and repair. Both can indicate the new coronavirus causing these reactions.

▼ The new coronavirus can cause DNA damage. (Diagram / taken from pixabay)

▼ The new coronavirus can cause DNA damage.  (Diagram / taken from pixabay)

Furthermore, DNA damage and changes in repair mechanisms contribute to gene instability, which is commonly seen in cancer, atherosclerosis, neurodegenerative diseases and diabetes. So, from these perspectives, “the new corona will not be a normal flu, it will cause cardiovascular problems in healthy people” and its long-term impact and cardiovascular damage surpass that of the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic.

▼ The new coronavirus causes cardiovascular problems in healthy people. (Diagram / taken from pixabay)

▼ The new coronavirus causes cardiovascular problems in healthy people.  (Diagram / taken from pixabay)

Further reading

● The above remarks do not represent the position of Dongsen News.
Source of the article:Virus will hit heart! Study reveals surprising changes in “tissue and DNA damage” of new deceased crown

Reprinted with permission from “CTWANT”.

(Cover diagram / flip from pexels)

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