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Study Results: Rob Floods Will Hit Indonesia 100 Times More Often

Rob Flood in Batam. [Suara.com]

Hitekno.com – The results of the latest study, report that Indonesia can experience rob flood 100 times more often than before.

Flood The tidal wave itself is said to be caused by tidal waves, waves and storms – in the next few decades, according to a new study examining the effects of rising tides. sea ​​level due to global warming.

The results of the study published in the journal Nature Climate Change by Claudia Tebaldi’s team, scientist from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, United States revealed that extreme sea level rise threatens 7,283 regions around the world, including Indonesia.

Scientists previously predicted extreme sea level rise to occur once every 100 years. However, this new research reveals extreme disasters are more common, with an average of once per year throughout the late 21st century.

The effect of this sea level rise is most severe in the southern hemisphere, the Mediterranean Sea, the Arabian Peninsula, the southern part of North America close to the Pacific, the Caribbean, Hawaii, the Philippines, to Indonesia.

A boy swims during a tidal flood in the Nizam Zachman Port area, Muara Baru, North Jakarta, Friday (5/6). . [Suara.com/Angga Budhiyanto]

Meanwhile, the less impactful effect is in areas with higher latitudes, such as the north Pacific coast of North America and the Asia Pacific coast.

The team of scientists revealed that fears of extreme disasters also apply when global temperatures rise by 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius.

It’s no big news that sea level rise will have a profound effect, even at 1.5 degrees and will have a substantial effect on the frequency and magnitude of sea level extremes., ” kata Tebaldi.

Further research needs to be done to clearly understand how these changes will impact society. Then, the extreme rise in sea level also needs to be seen from the effects in each region to how prepared the local community is to deal with it.

That’s the result of a recent study that found Indonesia could be hit by tidal floods 100 times more often than before. (Voice.com/ Dicky Prastya).

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