BANGKAPOS.COM – Several studies have shown that benefits fasting could improve body endurance, including preparing the body to fight a corona virus infection or Covid-19.
Fasting can help repair damaged tissue by stimulating the production of white blood cells.
That way, the entire immune system rejuvenation system can run optimally, and the body’s immune system will get stronger.
Also read: Often Feel Stomach Acid Rise When Fasting? Try Overcome With These 8 Ways
Reporting from The National, a study published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition mentions benefits fasting can help reduce the harmful effects of inflammatory cytokines.
For information, inflammatory cytokines can paralyze body endurance and can make sufferers experience Covid-19 severe when infected with the corona virus.
Besides being useful for improving body endurance to fight infections like Covid-19, fasting Ramadan can also help increase the body’s metabolism.
Benefits fasting this is useful for sufferers of disease high cholesterol and diabetes.
Not only that, fasting can also increase the effectiveness of cancer treatment.
Studies show that people undergoing chemotherapy respond better to drugs when fasting.