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Study on the consequences of corona: Post-Covid patients unable to work for a long time

Corona infection overcome, but still unable to work: Despite improved health, many post-Covid patients struggle with limited ability to work. Recent study results from the IN Chemnitz show: The road back to everyday work is often longer and rockier than expected. While physical symptoms improve after rehabilitation, many patients’ ability to work remains severely limited. What does this mean for returning to work – and for the German health system?

Ability to work severely limited despite rehabilitation

The study shows that despite an improvement in physical and mental health, the ability of post-Covid patients to work remains severely limited even after rehabilitation.

The study examined several health parameters of the patients before and after rehabilitation. Overall, a reduction in all post-Covid symptoms was observed – except for the dominant fatigue symptom.

Fatigue symptom as the biggest obstacle

In medicine, “fatigue” is defined as persistent tiredness and lack of motivation. According to the study, a large proportion of those affected continue to suffer from the fatigue symptom, which makes it difficult for them to return to work.

Poor sleep quality after corona infection

Using a motion sensor, the patients were monitored 24 hours a day before and after rehabilitation. The results showed physical inactivity and poor sleep quality among the patients, but these varied depending on age, gender and previous illness.

On the one hand, the study was able to show an improvement in the areas of endurance, muscle strength, balance and in the subjective assessment of one’s own physical performance. On the other hand, it was found that many patients continued to suffer from persistent post-Covid symptoms such as exercise intolerance, neurological complaints or fatigue.

60 percent back in work after 12 weeks or more

A study outside the project, which included 19 studies with more than 20,000 patients and was published in „Journal BMC Public Health“ also found that around 60 percent of post-Covid patients were able to successfully return to work twelve or more weeks after the corona infection. In addition, this study recognized the relevance of workplace adjustments, vocational rehabilitation programs and reintegration measures.

Rehabilitation essential for post-Covid

The study by Chemnitz University of Technology makes it clear that continuous and individually tailored aftercare after rehabilitation is necessary in order to reintegrate patients into working life. Without further development of aftercare strategies, many post-Covid patients are at risk of permanent professional loss, which would have serious consequences for those affected as well as for the health system and the economy.

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