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Study on Long Covid in Region – Health & Nutrition

A questionnaire campaign begins.

FREIBURG (BZ). The University Clinic Freiburg and the Health Department Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald / Freiburg are starting a study funded by the state of Baden-Wrttemberg on delayed healing and permanent complaints after an acute Covid-19 infection. The health department will send a questionnaire to people who fell ill with corona in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald / Freiburg region last winter – a message mentions 8,000 questionnaires.

Information about the Sars-CoV-2 infection at the time, the development of the symptoms to this day and the current health situation and quality of life are asked for. Filling out the questionnaire therefore does not take longer than 15 minutes. A franked return envelope is included. “We hope that as many people as possible will fill out the questionnaire,” says Winfried Kern, Head of Infectious Diseases at the Freiburg University Hospital.

The project will also be continued in the Emmendingen district and in the regions around Tbingen, Heidelberg and Ulm over the next few weeks. The aim of the research team is to be able to gain a better understanding of the clinical picture – often called Long Covid – and to help develop treatment options as quickly as possible. Affected patients report, according to the university clinic, sometimes long-lasting complaints such as chest pain and shortness of breath, exhaustion during physical exertion, as well as concentration and memory problems.

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