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Study links certain agricultural pesticides to increased risk of six types of cancer

Almost nothing can be done in agriculture without pesticides. But the use of many agents is not without risks to human health. Johannes Habermehl Meteored Germany 04/08/2024 16:00 5 min

Pesticides are an integral part of modern agriculture. They help control pests and thus increase yields. But in addition to the benefits, there are also potential risks to human health that are often overlooked. A new study has examined how pesticide use is related to cancer incidence in humans. USA.

Researchers used data on 63 different pesticides to analyze pesticide use patterns in different regions of the United States. It became clear that in some areas pesticide use is particularly high, which could lead to greater exposure of the population.

Types of cancer and affected regions

Research has shown that there is a higher incidence of certain types of cancer in regions with high pesticide use. Particularly affected were leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, colon cancer, lung cancer and pancreatic cancer. These cancers were more common in areas where pesticide use was more intensive.

A surprising finding from the study was that not all cancers were affected equally. While some cancers, such as breast or thyroid cancer, showed no significant associations with pesticide use, others, such as lung cancer, were strongly associated with smoking and pesticide exposure. These differences suggest that certain chemicals or factors may play a role that remains to be studied in more detail.

Smoking as an additional factor

Interestingly, the study also showed that smoking was an additional risk factor for cancer in many of the affected regions. This highlights the complexity of the health risks faced by people in rural and agricultural areas. The influence of smoking and pesticides together could significantly increase cancer risk, highlighting the importance of considering these factors together.

Implications and future recommendations

The results of this study could have far-reaching implications for pesticide regulation. Since many of the pesticides studied are widely used in agriculture, stricter regulations may be necessary. or alternative agricultural methods to protect public health.

In addition, the research could help identify specific pesticides that are particularly harmful, allowing for more targeted risk reduction measures.

Overall, this study highlights the need to better understand the health risks associated with pesticide use and to take steps to reduce exposure to potentially hazardous chemicals. It is critical that both agricultural and public health authorities use these findings to protect public health.


The use of pesticides in agriculture has undoubtedly helped increase yields, but it also poses significant health risks. The possible connection between high pesticide use and certain types of cancer is particularly alarming.

Further research and possibly regulatory measures are needed to minimise risks to the public. In the meantime, both farmers and consumers should be informed about the potential dangers associated with the use and consumption of pesticide-contaminated products.


News reference:

Jacob Gerken et al., Comprehensive assessment of pesticide use patterns and increased cancer risk, Juli 2024

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