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Study: Insomnia Could Be A Sign Of Brain Bleeding

Intracranial aneurysms are most common in women over the age of 40.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — A study found that insomnia can be an early warning symptom of a fatal medical condition. Disorders that make it difficult to sleep through the night are more common in people who have had a brain haemorrhage.

Researchers from Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm studied insomnia as a potential marker of ruptured brain aneurysm. A brain aneurysm is an enlargement or protrusion of cerebral blood vessels due to weakening of blood vessels.

The medical term for an aneurysm that develops within the brain is an intracranial aneurysm, most commonly occurring in those over the age of 40 and women. Most of these aneurysms will not rupture and may not even be detected. Experts believe between one and five percent of the population has a brain aneurysm.

When the bulge ruptures, it can cause serious bleeding, known as a subarachnoid hemorrhage. According to the National Health Service (NHS), about three in five people who develop a subarachnoid hemorrhage die within two weeks, while half of those who survive develop severe brain damage and disability.

“A ruptured aneurysm is fatal. Therefore, it is very important to identify risk factors that can help prevent aneurysm rupture,” said lead author of the study, Dr Susanna Larsson. The New York Post, Thursday (4/11).

Dr Larsson and team used data from several studies to identify what factors could trigger dangerous brain aneurysms. Starting from sleep disorders, coffee consumption, exercise, BMI, to cholesterol.

To determine the trend, about 6,300 cases of brain aneurysm and nearly 4,200 cases of ruptured brain aneurysm compared with more than 59,500 healthy people. As a result, insomnia was associated with a 24 percent increased risk of both conditions.

“The relationship between insomnia and intracranial aneurysm has not been previously reported, and these findings require confirmation by further studies. Our research supports the idea that managing risk factors can influence brain aneurysms and bleeding risk,” said Dr Larsson.

The risk of a brain aneurysm was higher in smokers and people with high blood pressure, but not for those with high cholesterol or high BMI. Insomnia and sleep disorders can indeed increase blood pressure, which could explain the risk of brain aneurysms.

“When you sleep, your blood pressure drops. Having trouble sleeping means your blood pressure stays high for a longer period of time,” he says.

The NHS says the best way to avoid brain aneurysms and blood vessel ruptures is to keep the blood vessels healthy. That means quitting smoking, cutting out high-fat foods, and controlling blood pressure and weight.

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