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Study Finds Low Sexual Satisfaction Linked to Future Memory Loss in Men

Saturday, 3 June 2023 – 00:02 WIB

VIVA Lifestyle – Sexual satisfaction can actually affect the health of a person’s brain. How could that be? In a recent study, it was revealed that low sexual satisfaction in middle age could be a sign of a decrease in one’s cognitive function in the future.

The study, conducted by Penn State researchers, described that study Vietnam Era Twin Study of Aging what they did correlated the relationship between erectile function, sexual satisfaction, and cognition in men. The researchers found that loss of sexual satisfaction and erectile performance was associated with future memory loss. Scroll further.

Study 818 men participated in this study. This study took data for 12 years from the age of 56 to 68 years. Researchers studied the participants’ cognitive changes during these years. The researchers examined how a person’s memory and sexual function changed over time.

Martin Sliwinski, professor of human and family development studies at Penn State and co-author of the study, said what was unique about his approach was that the researchers measured memory function and sexual function at each point in the longitudinal study.

“So we can see how they change together over time, what we’re finding is connected to what scientists are beginning to understand about the relationship between life satisfaction and cognitive performance,” he said.

In addition, researchers are also studying the relationship between physical changes, such as microvascular changes that affect penile function, and psychological changes, such as poorer sexual satisfaction, to see how they relate to cognition (the mental act of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thinking, experience, and the senses). .

2023-06-02 17:02:00
#Study #Sex #Satisfaction #Men #Cognitive #Decline #Age

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