Home » Health » Study Finds Link Between Reduced Deep Sleep and Dementia Risk in People Over 60 Years Old

Study Finds Link Between Reduced Deep Sleep and Dementia Risk in People Over 60 Years Old

A new study, which was conducted by a team of Australian, American and Canadian scientists, demonstrated that in people over 60 years of age, even a slight reduction in the duration of the deep sleep phase, which is extremely important for the body, can cause the development of dementia. This is what it says publication V JAMA Neurology.

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For their work, experts used data from the Framing Heart Study, from which experts selected information on 346 people aged about 69 years with an approximately equal ratio of men and women. During the course of the project, these people underwent overnight polysomnography twice, during which a person’s sleep is studied using special equipment. One of the criteria for the current work was the absence of dementia in the subjects at the time of the second polysomnography.

During the analysis, experts determined that the duration of deep sleep between two studies with a difference of three to six years decreased in the subjects by an average of 1.5% per year, which confirmed the connection between aging and the reduction of the corresponding sleep phase. Over the next 15 years of follow-up, 52 cases of dementia were recorded among the participants.

Taking into account many factors, the researchers concluded that an annual decrease in the duration of deep sleep increased the risk of developing the disease by 27%.

2023-11-12 10:18:00

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