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Study Finds Increased Risk of Death in Heart Attack Patients Experiencing Moderate to Severe Pain

▲ Patients who experience moderate to severe pain after a heart attack have a greater risk of dying in the subsequent year, a new study has found. (Photo = DB)

[메디컬투데이=최재백 기자] Patients who experience moderate to severe pain after a heart attack have a greater risk of dying in the subsequent year, the study found.

A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that patients who experience moderate to severe pain after a heart attack have an increased risk of dying in the subsequent year.

According to a Swedish study, patients with moderate pain 1 year after a heart attack, even if the pain was unrelated to the heart attack, had a 35% higher risk of dying within 8 years than those without pain. appeared to be The risk of death was twice as high for patients who complained of excruciating pain, the researchers said.

They noted that pain after a heart attack interferes with rehabilitation and various physical activities that promote heart health, and that it is necessary to evaluate pain as an important risk factor for future mortality.

They also cautioned that it is important for patients who complain of persistent pain after a heart attack to manage other risk factors that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as smoking, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.

Experts note that the majority of heart attack survivors with chest pain have a history of being treated for angina due to coronary artery disease, and although percutaneous coronary intervention can treat myocardial infarction, or heart attack, coronary artery disease He emphasized that it is fundamentally a chronic disease that requires active lifestyle improvement and drug treatment.

They cautioned that if angina persists after a heart attack, it could be a sign of developing coronary artery disease or new blood vessel blockage, increasing the risk of death if left untreated.

Enrolling in a cardiac rehabilitation program, they said, not only allows them to monitor the patient’s recovery progress after a heart attack, but also evaluates whether the patient feels pain, allowing them to manage the pain further.

Medical Today Reporter Jaebaek Choi (jaebaekchoi@naver.com)

[저작권자ⓒ 메디컬투데이. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

2023-08-20 22:55:35

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