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Study finds coronavirus mutations in New York rats | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

should focus on the offeraccess opportunity ecommunity programs ofsocial attention.ana: instead a studyfrom universal de missourifound that some ratsthe city was bigger than themcovid19 and worriestransmitters in new strainsof the virus.meet doctor juanwall on the danger thatIt could mean.ana: doctor, let’s listen to theSoutheast study resultsoliver se from missouri y laobligatory question is thatmice could infecthuman covid19?>> the interesting thing about the studyis that of the 80 mice thatpositive result for mutationsof the coronavirus that canproduce infection in beingshumans.ana: how do you knowinfect and human frompart of a mouse>> there are several ways ahuman can be infectedwith an infected mouse thoughthe tilde being the personintact, it can be pure matterfecal, urine, saliva oreven for a bitecan cause disease.ana: this is very worrying yesIt’s just a matter of skinskin, do not get infectedfrom Kobe?>> yes, mice can causemany diseases, includingthe good plague that killedafter centuries of loves full ofpeople and we have the virus thatcan cause severe pneumoniaalso the salmonella thatwe also see it being broadcastfrom person to person butwe are seeing more infections,or they are infections that they aretypical of the animals they arehappens to humans esome scientists considerthat this is the new norm, inwhat we will see every dayanimal infectionsWhat will beings do?humans.Ana: Like it happened with himorigin, the supposed origin of thecovid19, is this correct?>> here it is.covid19 belongs to the typeof viruses which is typical ofAnimals and theoryaccepted is that covid happenedfrom animals to beingshumans.ana: take good care of ourselves eobviously expect theauthority and we all do what

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