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Study: Drinking Too Much Coffee Can Make Human Brains Shrink

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The study is the most extensive investigation of the association between coffee, measures of brain volume, dementia risk and stroke risk.

Nationalgeographic.co.id—a cup coffee in the morning may be able to keep you literate and help start your daily work. However if you repeatedly drink coffee throughout the day, you can actually endanger your health brain You. A Education just warned, drinking too much coffee can increase risk dementia.

Education it found that drinking six cups coffee or more a day was associated with a 53 percent increased risk dementia and increase risk stroke also. Imaging brain revealed that drinking a lot coffee also related to depreciation brain, say the scientists.

Research on the effects of drinking a lot coffee conducted at the Australian Center for Precision Health at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute is the largest of its kind. This study was conducted on 17,702 participants aged 30 to 37 years. Kitty Pham, a PhD candidate at the University of South Australia, who led the international research team, said the findings drew attention to the risks of overconsumption.

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. But with global consumption of more than nine billion kilograms per year, it is important for us to understand whatever the potential health implications are,” Pham said in a statement. Study Finds.


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