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Study days “Scientific culture and tourism transition: what are the challenges for the Alpine territories? “| ECHOSCIENCES

By crossing the gaze of socio-cultural actors and the analysis of researchers in the human and social sciences, these study days propose to question the tourism of scientific culture in mountain territory as a response to the injunction of the ecological transition. Mountain territories are indeed particularly designated as forms of open-air laboratories for the implementation of this transition in the face of the double observation of the breathlessness of the “White Gold” model and the early mountainousness of the signs. of climate change. Projects to promote tourism in scientific culture carried out by local actors anxious to anticipate “après ski” (re) emerge through various forms of scientific tourism. The Southern Alps, and more particularly the Hautes-Alpes, are not immune to this phenomenon which affects the entire Alpine massif where the (hyper) anthropization of ski resorts coexist and the (pluri) labeling of natural areas. protected. This evidence must however be questioned in order to understand the tensions and the potentials of these forms of territorial innovation, between democratic, environmental, cultural and economic issues.

These days are part of the research activities of the LabEx ITTEM – Innovation & territorial transitions in the mountains, more particularly the program “Mountains, communication and astronomy: public issues around science and tourism” (MAESTRO) carried by GRESEC. It is also part of the training activities of the master’s degree in Sustainable management of mountain territories (GDTM) of the Gap University Pole and Master in Scientific and Technical Communication and Culture (CCST) from Grenoble Alpes University.

Tuesday November 24

9:30 am – Opening

Mikaël Chambru (Labex ITTEM / GRESEC, Université Grenoble Alpes) Cécilia Claeys (LPED, Aix-Marseille University)

10 a.m. – Workshop # 1: views of researchers

“What scientific culture does to tourism and vice versa”

Marie-Christine Bordeaux (GRESEC, Grenoble Alpes University)

Pascal Mao (PACTE, Grenoble Alpes University)

2 p.m. – Workshop # 2: actors’ views

“The promotion of tourism for scientific culture in the Hautes-Alpes”

Aurélien Rateau (Gap sciences animation)

Vincent Martin (Alpes-là!)

Wednesday 25 November

9:30 am – Putting it into perspective

“Protected natural areas put to the test of scientific tourism”

Pierrick Navizet (Ecrins National Park)

10:30 am – Workshop # 3: views of actors

“Scientific popularization and astrotourism in the Southern Alps”

Héloïse Granier (Séolane)

Jérôme Astreoud (Copernicus – Gap Astronomy)

2 p.m. – Workshop # 4: views of researchers

“What scientific tourism does to the heritage of nature and vice versa”
Bruno Charlier (PASSAGES, University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour)

Yannick Vialette (PACTE, Grenoble Alpes University)

Thursday November 26

10 a.m. – Putting it into perspective

“Science and tourism in the history of alpine territories”

Anne-Marie Grasset-Abisset (LARHRA, Grenoble Alpes University)

11h30 – Bilan

“Transitions and public issues of the tourism of scientific culture”

Mikaël Chambru (Labex ITTEM / GRESEC, Grenoble Alpes University)

Cécilia Claeys (LPED, Aix-Marseille University)

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