Home » today » News » Students yell at Tono to test the water tunnel for free don’t miss a baht never let students use it

Students yell at Tono to test the water tunnel for free don’t miss a baht never let students use it

Previously, there had always been drama until the #Tone hashtag was trending on Twitter for several days. Recently, young Tono took his fitness test in the water tunnel. to measure lung values ​​before actually swimming with famous universities

Recently, this has raised doubts in many people. A Twitter user posted a question about why Tono was able to use it for free without paying the group a baht. while students are unable to access the device Because it was revealed by the teacher that the budget was expensive. therefore rarely open for use

Stating the message that ** I want to say as one who studied in that faculty, the faculty who gave #Tono to take advantage of the water tunnel service. and measure his lungs before he swims ** The faculty professor said that from the first year the water tunnel is expensive rarely opened but we are very confused The students have not learned anything about this water tunnel. He never opened it for students to see, but #Tono can enter without paying any money.

#Tono, how can you use it without losing money? Whether it is laboratory tests or otherwise, there is no cost to the faculty. Which can be seen from the fact that the faculty also does not want to raise money. Because ** (from people from the same faculty) ** Faculty teachers want to work early. Do not adapt at all the teaching path in the faculty. Believe it or not, some teachers are underestimated by students but still manage to continue teaching because the words “You don’t know how powerful I am. Which is very bad The water tunnel was never opened for use by students. Or study a lot, go and see. The car is not open to students because the word budget is expensive.

Students yell at Tono to test the water tunnel for free don't miss a baht never let students use it
Students yell at Tono to test the water tunnel for free don't miss a baht never let students use it

Subsequently, netizens entered with overwhelming comments. and similarly said that “The Faculty of Sports Sciences, Chulalongkorn University should come out to clarify whether it costs Tono to use the fitness test by swimming against the current (artificial). Is it worth it? Do you have free access to educational equipment? Is it a coincidence special or not? When studying, don’t use #Tony “.

Students yell at Tono to test the water tunnel for free don't miss a baht never let students use it

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