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Students who are raped in rotation in Makassar come with the perpetrator to the hotel


The police arrested 6 men and 1 woman in a case of rotating rape of an EA student (23) in Makassar City. The victim is known to have come with the perpetrator to the hotel where the rape took place.

“So the initial examination, the victim experienced immoral crime in a hotel in the District of Panakkukang. The victim and the seven people (suspected perpetrators) arrived at the TKP,” said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Panakkukang Iptu Police Iqbal Usman when met by reporters at his office, Jalan Protection, Makassar, Monday (21/9/2020).

The seven people referred to are six men with the initials UF (21), NA (20) IS (23), AF (22), MF (26) and IB (25), and a woman with the initials SN (23). Prior to the hotel, the EA victim and the 7 people drank alcohol together at a nightclub. 7 The suspect then booked a hotel room.

“And when they were at the TKP they opened 2 rooms, and the position of the victim was in one of the rooms and that’s where the victim experienced this crime of immorality or rape,” said Iptu Iqbal.

The police are still investigating the roles of the seven people who were arrested, namely whether the six men all rotated the victim or not. Meanwhile, for SN women, the police will see to what extent she played a role in helping this rape occur.

“This is what we are currently investigating because we have just secured an interrogation and then carry out an examination to determine their status,” said Iptu Iqbal.

EA reported to the police that she was raped in turn by 7 men after returning from a nightclub last Saturday (19/9). EA said that when he was about to go home from a nightclub at around 01.00 WITA, his colleague, SN, forced EA to stay at a hotel in Panakkukang District.

“At that time I was drunk,” EA testified to the police.

In a semi-conscious state in the hotel room, the victim heard a man say ‘I mo first (I’ll do it first)’. EA woke up and was surprised that a man was in front of him.

Furthermore, the man in question immediately ran away. EA also had time to see a number of other men who were originally in the room running away.

(nvl / nvl)

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