in 2024 February 28 In the Šilutė Hugo Šojaus Museum, the 2nd round of the 6th Lithuanian Student Ethnic Culture Olympiad in the region of Lesser Lithuania took place. 11 students from Klaipėda Sendvaris pro-gymnasium, Klaipėda University “Žemynas” gymnasium, Klaipėda district Vėžaičius primary school, Klaipėda district Gargždės “Minijos” pro-gymnasium, Klaipėda district Gargždės “Kranto” pro-gymnasium, Klaipėda district Veiviržėnai Jurgis Šaulis gymnasium, Šilutė first gymnasium, Šilutė district Vainutas gymnasium, Šilutė district Žemaičių Naumieštis high schools.
After summing up the results of both tasks of the Olympiad (test and ethnocultural activity and expression), the winners of the second stage of the VI Lithuanian Student Ethnic Culture Olympiad implemented in the region of Minor Lithuania.
5-7 cl. the age group includes the following students:
I vieta – MATAS VALAIKA, Klaipėda district Gargždų “Kranto” pro-gymnasium, teacher Vitalija Valaikai;
II place – NOJA VALAIKAITĖ, Gargžda “Kranto” pro-gymnasium, teacher Vitalija Valaikaite;
III place – AUSTĖJA KUMPYTĖ, Klaipėda District Vėžaičiai Primary School, teachers Erika Košienė, Neda Tamošauskaitė.
8-10 kl. the age group includes the following students:
I vieta – VERONIKA VALAUSKAITĖ, Gargždų “Minijos” pro-gymnasium, teachers Živilė Bartkevičienė and Gintarė Januškienė;
II place – VILTĖ STANKUTĖ, Veiviržėnai Jurgis Šaulis high school, teachers Valdonija Karaliūnienė and Alva Giržadienė;
III place – GAILĖ MIKUŽYTĖ, Gargžda “Kranto” pro-gymnasium, teacher Vitalija Valaiki.
11–12 kl. the age group includes the following students:
I vieta – AURELIJA SKURDELYTĖ, Vainutas high school, teacher Vincas Žąsytis;
II place – JORŹĖ MILERYTĖ, Žemaičių Naumiestis High School, teacher Jūratė Daugaliene
The winners of the I and II places of the regional round will compete in the third, Republican round. The third round of the Olympiad will be held no later than May 1, the date and place of its preparation is approved by the Minister of Education, Science and Sports, the organization and performance procedure and the evaluation committee are approved by the director of LINEŠA.
The Olympiad of Lithuanian schoolchildren’s ethnic culture is being held for the sixth time. The goal of the Olympiad is to develop a mature, comprehensively educated, nationally and civically aware personality, capable of nurturing, protecting, expressing and transmitting to others natural (ethnic) and world cultural values. The initiators of the Olympiad are the Lithuanian Agency for Informal Education and the Council for the Protection of Ethnic Culture. Information about the Olympiad is published on the website
Information of EKGT Minor Lithuania Regional Council
#Students #region #Minor #Lithuania #competed #Lithuanian #students #ethnic #culture #Olympiad
– 2024-03-29 12:33:27