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Students from the MK fly to the UN model conference in New York

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From: Carla Witt

Meeting with the sponsors: The English teachers Christina Schmidt (front) as well as Eva-Maria Kraft and Linda Kramer (back, right), headmaster Sven Stocks (2nd row, right) and the students who are flying to New York say thank you with Kracht managing director Heiko Zahn (front right), Volksbank submarket manager Detlef Klinke (front left) and Thorsten Hänel (front, 2nd from right), the chairman of the comprehensive school’s development association. © Carla Witt

A great adventure awaits a group of total students from Werdohl: They can fly to New York to take part in a model conference of the United Nations and speak in front of a large audience.

Werdohl – A major challenge and a real highlight this March was the digital participation of six total students at the National High School Model United Nations (NHSMUN) in New York. In the coming year, an even bigger dream will come true for at least eight high school students: You are registered for live participation in the UN model conference in New York from March 23-25. There they want to present previously developed theses in English in front of a large audience.

This is made possible by the help of generous sponsors. “Without this support, our school would definitely not be able to cope with this trip,” explained Sven Stocks, who welcomed the donors to the Riesei on Tuesday. The director of the Albert Einstein Comprehensive School and the English teachers Christina Schmidt, Eva-Maria Kraft and Linda Kramer were happy about the visit of the sponsors, all of whom had shown themselves to be generous. Kracht managing director Heiko Zahn is contributing 2500 euros, the Lions Club Altena / Werdohl is supporting the project with 2000 euros, the Volksbank in South Westphalia and the support association of the comprehensive school each contribute another 1000 euros.

In addition, there is another considerable amount that sponsors in the USA provide. “You don’t want to be named,” reports project manager Christina Schmidt. And despite this tremendous support, all of the students still have to pay around 500 euros out of their own pocket. “Some have looked for a job just to be able to finance their participation”, Schmidt makes it clear how hard the young people go to great lengths to achieve the common dream.

But this does not only apply to travel expenses. In order to familiarize oneself with the given topics and then to be able to argue accordingly in English from the point of view of the country that is assigned to them, is one intensive preparation required. The English teachers also know this and were very proud of their protégés after the digital NHSMUN this year. “The students develop tremendously. You give speeches on highly political and highly complex topics and then find compromises. You learn something for life, Christina Schmidt pays the young people a lot of respect.

Very important: The group feeling is also enormously strengthened. “Because participation only works in a team. Everyone has to be ready to support the other. ”For this reason, the composition of the group is also very important. “Another student is interested in participating. We’ll talk to him to find out whether he fits into the team, ”emphasizes the project manager.

In preparation for the conference in the US metropolis, all school students will take part in Siegmun 2021, the UN model conference of the University of Siegen, from November 17 to 20. “Ninth graders are also there this year; we would like to slowly generate offspring, ”says Christina Schmidt.

With a view to the coming year, of course, everyone hopes that the corona pandemic does not thwart travel plans and that nothing stands in the way of the flight to America. As a small reward for their efforts, the students then have the opportunity to take a quick look around New York: They start on March 20th and return to the Sauerland two days after the conference on March 25th.

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