Home » today » News » Students from the IT high school took part in the traditional “Open Door Day” initiative of the Appellate Prosecutor’s Office – Burgas – 2024-04-19 13:58:07

Students from the IT high school took part in the traditional “Open Door Day” initiative of the Appellate Prosecutor’s Office – Burgas – 2024-04-19 13:58:07

Students from the ninth grade at the Vocational High School for Computer Programming and Innovation (PGKPI) visited the Appellate Prosecutor’s Office-Burgas to participate in the traditional “Open Day” initiative of the Appellate Prosecutor’s Office-Burgas.

The ninth-graders were welcomed by prosecutor Jovita Grigorova – deputy administrative head and spokesperson of the Appellate Prosecutor’s Office-Burgas and prosecutor Georgi Khandzhiev, who leads the legality supervision activities in the prosecutor’s office.

Initially, the students had the opportunity to visit a real courtroom and get to know first-hand the positions of each of the parties in the legal proceedings.

Each of the students had the opportunity to examine the criminal and criminal procedure code.

Prosecutors Grigorova and Khandzhiev drew the students’ attention to the dangers of the crime of “human trafficking”, with the main emphasis being placed on the ways in which a young person can be deceived by criminals, who subsequently take advantage of his labor illegally or forcibly and abilities.

Specific examples of such cases were presented. The students were also explained how to react in a similar situation.

Another topic that was discussed with the guests was drug-related crimes. It was explained to the students that according to Bulgarian legislation there is no one-time free dose of any narcotic substance. The punishments that the law also provides for minors who have committed crimes involving narcotic substances were discussed.

Students were also advised how to react if they notice the sale of drugs on the premises of an educational institution or in other places.

After the talk in the courtroom, the students went to the office of the appellate prosecutor’s office, where they saw how cases and files are processed. After that, the young men and women were welcomed by Mr. Lyubomir Petrov – administrative head of the Appellate Prosecutor’s Office-Burgas, who received them in his office.

Prosecutor Petrov explained to the students what is the territorial scope of the Appellate Prosecutor’s Office-Burgas and what are the types of cases in which prosecutors from this instance are involved.

The discussion gradually turned into a direct and immediate dialogue, with the guests showing interest in working on so-called computer crime cases.

They also asked questions about the role of the protected witness in pre-trial and judicial proceedings, as well as about traffic accidents caused by impaired, drunk and drugged drivers. Cases of criminal acts committed by migrants were also discussed.

After the guests received answers to all the questions, it was time to move on to the funnest part of the visit. The students were given the opportunity to put on a prosecutor’s toga and sit in the seat of the administrative head. Lots of smiles and souvenir photos followed.

Prosecutor Petrov told the students that with this prosecutor’s toga he took part in thousands of cases and wished the guests to follow in the footsteps of the magistrate and have a successful career in the judicial system.

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