Results of the NHK Trophy in Osaka.
The final stage of the international NHK Trophy Grand Prix series turned out to be very unexpected; the results in many events were impossible to predict. In men’s single skating, the composition was very cool, but even there, after the short one, we saw an unobvious arrangement of the tops.
A student Eteri Tutberidze Nika Egadze started with a fall on a quadruple sheepskin coat. It was clear that the athlete was not successful at all; his movements seemed constrained and insinuating. Maybe it was the absence of Tutberidze at the side (Daniil Gleikhengauz arrived in Osaka), but even the speed was lower than usual. Then everything continued like a roller coaster ride. He brilliantly performed the quadruple Salchow-triple toe loop cascade. But then I managed to get two daws on the oiler, and underrotated on the triple Salchow in the cascade. In addition, Nika failed two spins, only the second levels. Because of this, his “Moulin Rouge” existed separately, the Georgian skater was lost in this music. Despite this, Egadze received the best result of the season in the free skate – 156.04 points for the skate and 237.34 in total. This is fourth place. Of course, we are not talking about any series finale.
Lukas Brichgi from Switzerland won bronze at the Grand Prix. At the beginning of the program, he performed a quadruple toe loop cascade – a double toe loop and a solo quadruple toe loop with underrotation. He had some minor glitches on landings and didn’t feel entirely confident. Lucas also lost a level on the step sequence due to an under-rotated twizzle; at the very end, the skater simply fell out. It is clear that he likes music with African motifs. The program is bright, original and definitely stands out from other productions. For his performance, Brichgi received 168.18 points and 254.60 in total.
Current world champion Sema Uno took the silver. Second place after the short program greatly motivated the Japanese. He decided to take risks and made the content more complex as the film progressed. And yes, if you haven’t seen what tough judging is, you need to reconsider this stage. On all four quads, the public’s favorite Uno was noted to have a quarter under-rotation – both on the quadruple loop, and on the quadruple flip, and on the quadruple toe loop – triple toe loop and quadruple toe loop – double toe loop cascades. There was also a more serious mistake: the athlete made a butterfly on a solo sheepskin coat, only two turns. Just after that, he decided to redo the element and immediately jumped cascade quadruple toe loop 0 double toe loop. The quiet, slow composition and the program itself really opened up at this stage. The applause from the home crowd after the jumps drowned out the music, which always sounds very powerful. The judges rated Uno’s performance at 186.35 points and 286.55 in total. But again the favorite of the season was left without first place.

Yuma Kagiyama sensationally won the last stage of the Grand Prix. Why sensational? After all, Yuma is coming back after injuries and missing the season. He performed a quadruple Salchow and a quadruple toe loop-oiler-double Salchow cascade cleanly, but fell from a triple Axel in the second half of the program. After that, it seemed that the gold was lost, but the skater collected each subsequent element and did not fall out of the skate. The program to “Rain in Your Black Eyes” by Ezio Bosso looks incredible. Yuma is a super talented skater, he has good skating, his presentation has changed thanks to working with Caroline Costner. It is logical that Lori Nicole could not put on an average program for this composition. In the free program he remained in second place (182.88), but the advantage in the short allowed him to score 288.39 points and win.
In the finale, a fantastic fight awaits us with the following superheroes: Adam Xiao Him Fa, Ilya Malinin, Yuma Kagiyama, Sema Uno, Kao Miura, Kevin Aymoz.

Japanese Grand Prix. Men. Free program.
- Sema Uno (Japan) — 186.35
- Yuma Kagiyama (Japan) — 182.88
- Lucas Brichgi (Switzerland) – 168.18
- Nika Egadze (Georgia) — 156.04
- Tatsuya Tsuboi (Japan) — 151.99
Japanese Grand Prix. Men. Bottom line.
- Yuma Kagiyama (Japan) — 288.39
- Sema Uno (Japan) — 286.55
- Lucas Brichgi (Switzerland) – 254.60
- Nika Egadze (Georgia) — 237.34
- Camden Pulkinen (USA) — 229.32
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