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Student killed by a thief in Montpellier: ten years later, the procedure canceled

More than ten years after the death of Pierre Hibon de Frohen, a young student killed by two stab wounds by a trailer in Montpellier, the Court of Appeal has just handed down a judgment which annuls the French procedure! Because at the heart of this interminable legal imbroglio between France and Algeria, the question arises whether the murderer can be tried twice for this crime.

Saïd Nabi, 16 at the time of the incident, fled on January 3, 2011 to the other side of the Mediterranean. In Algeria, however, he was arrested, tried for the first time, then retried on appeal and sentenced to ten years in prison for the murder of the student who died in the arms of his father, also injured and miraculous. Nabi was arrested on his return to France at the end of 2019 where the procedure was ongoing.

International convention

“You cannot try the same person twice on the basis of the same procedure, diplomatic and legal investigations are necessary to apply the law, says Me Abratkiewicz, Saïd Nabi’s lawyer, now free. France is a signatory of an international convention aiming at the respect of this principle of the fact that one cannot judge twice. “

It is now up to the public prosecutor’s office to decide on the advisability of continuing the prosecution. What the civil parties are asking for: “They are tired of waiting, they have the impression of being wandered for procedural questions, the truth about the death of their child has not been told in France for ten years and it is time for justice Frenchwoman take her responsibilities in this matter “, assène Me Cesbron.

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