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Student Housing: Lyon and Rennes Toughest Cities to Find Rentals, According to New Study

The first results of Parcoursup have been published in recent days and now future students are already starting to look for accommodation in their next student cities. However, rental tension is at its height in these municipalities, where demand is increasing while supply remains scarce.

In its new inventory of student accommodation in France in 2023, the LocService platform – specialist in connecting tenants and landlords – indicated on Friday that Lyon and Rennes are the two municipalities where finding a student rental is the most difficult.

In Lyon, for example, each rental offer receives more than five requests. Angers, La Rochelle and Lille are the three other cities that complete the top 5 of the most stressed communities. “The municipalities on the Atlantic coast and in the east of France are those which are becoming more and more strained to the detriment of the metropolises of the Mediterranean arc, such as Marseille and Nice”, observes Ivan Thiébault, head of the study at LocService.

The reasons for such tension are known. The rise in interest rates that has continued since the end of 2022 has blocked access to property for many tenants, who are staying longer in their rental. The average duration of a lease for a T1 has thus increased by six months, according to Clameur, a observatory of the rental market.

Added to this are fears about the bans on thermal sieves, already effective for the most energy-intensive goods. Rather than carrying out costly work, owners may prefer to sell their property.

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Six out of ten students are looking for a T1

“Decohabitation also explains this tension”, completes Ivan Thiébault. According to a study by the Federation of Property Developers, thee number of people per accommodation increased from 2.37 to 2.17 between 1999 and today. “Demand for smaller areas is growing, but these are the accommodations that students need”, continues the specialist.

59% of students are looking for a studio or a T1 compared to only 18% for a T2. It must be said that the difference in average rent between the two surfaces is significant: count on average 560 euros per month for a T1 of 30 square meters against 725 euros for a T2 of 42 square meters.

CConsequently, rents in almost all municipalities are increasing. Le Havre, for example, saw studio prices rise by 6% in one year, from 415 euros per month to 440 euros, the highest increase among the cities studied. Strasbourg then follows, with studio rents growing by 5.23% over one year.

Nine of the ten most expensive municipalities located in Île-de-France

Without surprise, the monthly payments are the highest in Paris, at 881 euros per month for a studio in the capital. More generally, nine of the ten most expensive municipalities are located in Île-de-France. “The Paris region is regaining its lost attractiveness after the health crisis, analyzes Ivan Thiébault. 24% of students target this sector against 20% last year. Rents, which were falling somewhat, are rising again. »

Faced with these high prices, students are still numerous to call on their families to act as guarantor. 86% of them call on it to provide cover in the event of unpaid rent. This figure drops to 8% for those relying on the Visale guarantee, a device offered by Action Logement aimed at covering outstanding payments for tenants under 30 in particular. But the solution still concerns few people.

“The proportion of students using Visale seems to have reached a ceilingobserves Ivan Thiébault. This share is stagnating from one year to the next. » To extend the number of eligible people, the government announced Monday, at the end of the National Housing Refoundation Council, that it wanted to double the number of beneficiaries, to reach two million people.

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