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“Student Demonstrators Burn Tires in Front of DPR Building in Jakarta”


A number of elements student those who demonstrated against the Job Creation Law (Ciptaker) are still standing in front of the DPR building. They also burned tires.

monitoring detikcom at the location, at 19.18 WIB, Thursday (6/4/2023), massa gathered in a circle in front of the capitol building. Besides burning the tires, they burned the flags they were carrying.

“We are raising the fires in front of the DPR building, friends. Do you agree, friends?” said an orator from the command car.

Students Reject the Ciptaker Law Still Survive, Burn the Front Tires of the DPR Building (Adrial/detikcom)

Also visible demonstrators who occasionally throws bottles into the capitol. There were also masses who tried to shake the fence of the DPR building.

Chairman of the University of Indonesia Student Executive Board (BEM UI) Melki Sedek Huang previously said that this demonstration was carried out to reject the ratification of the Perppu Ciptaker into law. They felt let down by the ratification of the regulation.

“This has resulted in our distrust of all state institutions, including the executive branch, which forms legal products in secret, the legislature that facilitates the ratification of the Job Creation Perppu, to the judiciary which seems to be ignored by other state institutions,” he said.

Watch the video ‘Demonstration at the Corruption Eradication Commission, Crowd Turns on Flares and Pushes Each Other’:


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