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Stubborn Swan Blocks Traffic Outside Grieghallen in Bergen

– A man tried to move the swan, but then it got angry.

Another BT tipster took this picture after the swan had moved to Edvard Grieg’s place outside Grieghallen. Photo: BT tips Published: Published:

Less than 2 hours ago

Nicola Walker and her children had an unusual sight outside Grieghallen on Saturday evening.

– We had been to a band competition. When we came out there was a swan in the middle of the road, she says.

Several gathered around the swan in Nygårdsgaten, and many took photos, according to Walker.

She says that the cars that passed had to stop and take a good turn around the new boss in the road.

When Walker and the children met the swan, it was sitting in the middle of Nygårdsgaten. Photo: BT tips

– A man tried to move the swan, but then it suddenly became angry. It didn’t work, says the mother.

Eventually more people started clapping to chase the swan away.

– It had an effect. The swan eventually got up, but it didn’t seem like it was in any hurry. The swan took plenty of time to get out of the way, says Walker.

When Walker and the children started walking home, the swan had alighted on Edvard Grieg’s place outside Grieghallen.

– We thought it was all very witty. It really was a stubborn swan, she says.

Neither the 110 centre, the police operations center nor Bergen municipality’s security center are aware of the incident.

The swan was not injured, says Walker. It could very well go for its own machine… once it decided to… Photo: BT-tipserPublished:

Published: April 13, 2024 10:53 p.m

Updated: 14 April 2024 00:18

2024-04-13 20:53:51

#Stubborn #swan #refused #move

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