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Strong Signals Pertalite and Solar Prices Rise, Organda: Absolutely Ridiculous!


Transportation entrepreneurs do not agree if the government increases the price of Pertalite fuel and subsidized diesel in the near future. They say, the increase in fuel prices will greatly impact their business.

Secretary General of the Land Transport Organization (Organda) Ateng Aryono said subsidized fuel or he called it JBT BBM (certain types of fuel) is the main fuel of choice for transportation in Indonesia. Both passenger and goods transportation. This happened because the price difference was very far from the market price of fuel.

“JBT is indeed the main choice. If there is now JBT fuel, the price will be increased, this will certainly affect our business,” said Ateng to detikcom, Wednesday (13/4/2022).

According to him, the increase in fuel prices will greatly affect the production costs of transportation transportation. Fuel is one of the largest components in the production costs of transportation transportation. In the end, transportation costs will inevitably go up.

“At this rate, everything will go up, our rates and fees will also go up,” said Ateng.

Meanwhile, Head of the DKI Jakarta Land Transport Organization (Organda), Shafruhan Sinungan, said that it is better not to increase Pertalite and diesel fuel, especially in the midst of depressed economic conditions with various price increases.

According to him, it would be very ridiculous if the government was really desperate to raise fuel prices.

“It’s a big mistake to go up when the country’s economy is in such a bad condition. If it’s set to go up now, it’s really ridiculous,” said Shafruhan.

He continued that the increase in fuel prices would raise transportation costs. If the cost of transportation, especially transportation of goods, rises, it can trigger an increase in the price of basic goods.

“If the increase in diesel is used a lot to transport goods, if the cost goes up, the price of other goods will also go up. Basic goods will also go up,” said Shafruhan.

Previously, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif signaled that the price of Pertalite (RON 90) and Diesel fuel would increase. This is the government’s response to the spike in world oil prices.

Arifin said that in the medium and long term, Pertalite and Solar prices will be adjusted. In addition, security will be carried out by increasing operational reserves from 21 days to 30 days.

“In the medium and long term, we will optimize the mixture of biofuels in diesel, adjust the price of Pertalite, diesel oil and accelerate replacement fuels, including KBLBB, BBG, bioethanol, BioCNG, and others,” said Arifin in a working meeting with Commission VII DPR RI.

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