Home » today » News » Strong complaint from Esmeralda Miter: she found Victoria Villarruel hanging around the corridors of La Nación

Strong complaint from Esmeralda Miter: she found Victoria Villarruel hanging around the corridors of La Nación

Emerald Miter Nothing is ever kept silent, especially when it comes to an issue that encompasses all Argentines. After finding out that Victoria Villarruelthe vice president of Javier Miley and faithful defender of what happened in the last civil-military dictatorship, had been walking in the corridors of The nationBartolome Miter’s daughter did not hesitate to denounce her, both with the president and with the citizens.

In conversation with In the afternoon (America TV), Emerald Miter She was furious and revealed that she contacted Javier Miley to notify you of the visit of Victoria Villarruel to the offices of The nation. «I wrote to the president telling him what was happening. This is not a protocol visit, it is not on the official government agenda. When she came in, she said ‘I’m coming to see my friends’. “I didn’t know, I don’t know how long they have been friends,” said the actress.

“First, I honestly didn’t vote for Javier but I have a lot of respect for him as a citizen. As a shareholder of the newspaper I wish him all the best, the people elected him. I have been in a relationship for a long time. I wrote to him and asked him if he knew about this that was happening. He complied with the guidelines and that makes me proud as a citizen. “I wanted to know if she was going after him or if he knew if it was happening,” he continued. Emerald Miter.

«If you were not aware, or it is not following the pattern, it is even worse. She means that she is going to one media outlet and not going to the others. This is still a scandal. I don’t want it to happen. It seems to me a lack of respect for the president and society, the guideline was cut. That is what I want to know. “I want her to give explanations,” concluded the shareholder of The nation.

Esmeralda Miter crossed paths with Karina Mazzocco

“She feels underestimated by her cousins,” he said. Karina Mazzocco after hearing the story of Emerald Miter. She didn’t like her words at all, and she immediately reacted. «No, I don’t feel underestimated by anyone, Karina. Let’s not make a mirror, please. No one underestimates me, please. “Don’t tell me that they underestimate me,” replied Bartolome Miter’s daughter, furious.

“No, excuse me, I’m not making any kind of mirror. “Calm down,” he told her. Karina Mazzoccowhat Emerald Miter replied: “Then don’t say they underestimate me. Calm down you. Don’t tell me they underestimate me because it offends me. Then, the driver shot: “Well, but that’s your business, talk about it with your therapist. “I’m not telling you that.”

“Sorry!? Nobody underestimated me. I have nothing to discuss with my psychologist. My cousins ​​feel underestimated. What happens in the newspaper is like the problems that you also have at work. Calculation. Talk to the psychologist about it. “I’ll talk about mine,” he replied. Emerald Miter furious “I don’t like being sent to a psychologist on TV, Karina. Except you! ”Added the actress, and although she tried to leave the cell phone, she finally stayed.

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