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Stroke, because it is important to prevent diabetes to avoid risks

When we think ofcerebral bites the mind runs to hypertension, high cholesterol, extra pounds, stress. And sometimes we forget that the metabolic alterations related to the diabetes they can heavily affect the chances of developing an injury characterized by sudden failure to supply blood and oxygen to an area of ​​the brain.

This observation is of great importance, considering that, according to statistics, at least four million Italians cope with diabetes: in most cases it is the type 2 form, which occurs in adulthood and is often linked to overweight and obesity as well as unhealthy lifestyle habits.

Because of this we have to keep this problem in mind and make sure to bring blood sugar back to the desired values ​​(between 65 and 110 mg / dl – milligrams of glucose per deciliter of blood). To remind us of this is an awareness campaign by ALICe. Italy Odv (Association for the fight against stroke).

What links diabetes and stroke

Diabetestogether with arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, atrial fibrillation, as well as smoking and a sedentary lifestyle, represents one of the main cardiovascular risk factors but it is now also counted among the risk factors for ischemic stroke that can be modified by implementing a change in one’s lifestyle.

The surplus of sugar in the blood – explains Danilo Toni, Director of the Neurovascular Treatment Unit at Policlinico Umberto I in Rome and President of the Technical-Scientific Committee of ALICe. Italia Odv (Association for the Fight against Cerebral Stroke) – can harden blood vessels, making circulation more difficult and, consequently, causing the accumulation of plaques on the walls of the arteries. This accumulation progressively generates thickening, called atherosclerotic plaques, inside the vessel.

Atherosclerosis it is a chronic and completely asymptomatic vascular disease; in the presence of diabetes, the atherosclerosis process occurs more rapidly and the risk of cerebral stroke doubles, with consequent very serious outcomes such as disability and possible death, especially if the age exceeds 65 ”.

As mentioned, we keep in mind that the correct glucose values in the blood they are about 65-110 mg / dl when fasting, peaking up to 140 mg / dl about 2 hours after the last meal. If these values ​​are respectively between 110 and 126 mg / dl or between 140 and 199 mg / dl, the patient should be considered at risk and should try to stick to a healthier lifestyle, following a balanced diet and exercising. physics. If the values ​​exceed respectively 126 mg / dl or 199 mg / dl, it is absolutely necessary to contact a doctor who can also indicate drug therapy, which must always be accompanied by an appropriate lifestyle.

Let’s take advantage of the month of prevention

“April is the month that ALICe. Italia Odv dedicates every year to the brain stroke prevention which, in our country, affects about 150,000 people every year – declares Andrea Vianello, President of ALICe. Italy Odv. Diabetes is a serious disease that must be monitored and kept under control because, if not properly treated, it presents highly disabling or even fatal complications “.

Objective of ALICe. Italia Odv is to make people aware of the importance of prevention, which involves a change in one’s lifestyle and early diagnosis (doing blood tests once a year to check blood sugar and cholesterol values ​​can avoid the sudden onset of serious diseases such as strokes and heart attacks). In particular, ALICe. Italia recommends taking preventive measures aimed at reducing the incidence of diabetes: a healthy diet, rich in fruit and vegetables, low in fat and alcohol, elimination of tobacco, constant and frequent physical activity, maintaining a weight appropriate to one’s body can avoid the onset of a dangerous disease like this and, as a result, stroke.

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