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Striking: Johan Derksen criticizes John de Mol

Where Johan normally always stands up for John, the football analyst is currently less positive. In Monday’s broadcast he burns the brand new SBS program Avastars completely finished. “I was watching and there is nothing human about this program. They are dolls and then you might as well watch Donald Duck. The viewer has no idea that it is technically difficult,” he says about the new program of his employer.

In Avastars virtual characters, created by a dancer and singer, perform. The duos provide the sound and movements of the computer-animated performer. According to Johan, John has put a lot of effort into the program, but at the same time he is surprised that ‘no one around him has said that this is not such a good idea’. Johan explains that this is because John is surrounded by ‘yes men’.

Johan believes that he himself would have been critical if he had been involved in such decisions by John. “If I had been there, John would have already earned 30 million euros, because then I would have said many times: we are not going to do this, we are not going to do this, we are not going to do this.”

The new program started last Friday with 304,000 viewers. Despite the disappointing viewing figures, the program will continue to be broadcast for the time being. Avastars can be seen every Friday at 8.30 pm at SBS6. Inside today see you daily around 9.30 pm. Watch Monday’s episode here back.

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