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Strike across the highway toll collector… Only available by high pass car

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Toll gate [강원도민일보 자료사진]

Toll gate workers who are in charge of paying highway tolls will go on a general strike from the 10th.

A full-fledged homecoming process begins on the 10th, and congestion near the toll gate is expected as the toll payment business is disrupted.

According to the Korea Expressway Corporation Service on the 9th, the pottery service union consisting of workers in charge of collecting tolls will begin a general strike from 6 am on the 10th of this month.

The union is demanding the same level of welfare and benefits as the parent company (Korea Expressway Corporation), the transfer of the business to the service station and gas station, the same wage level as the on-site support for the Road Corporation, and the holding of a four-party labor-management council for the parent company and subsidiaries.

The pottery service union voted for or against the strike the day before, and the strike was approved with 87.15% in favor.

The potters service announced that it will take full action to minimize the inconvenience caused by strikes and prevent safety problems.

In a press release released that day, the potters service said, “Currently, the high pass usage rate is 86%, so there is no significant difficulty in vehicle communication.” “We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the general strike, especially ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday. I will do my best for the operation.”

In the event of a general strike of toll collectors, all toll gates nationwide can only be used by high-pass cars.

Currently, all toll gates nationwide operate high-pass lanes, and vehicles without a high-pass terminal will be notified after using the high-pass lane so that toll payments can be paid afterwards.

The potter’s service is to promote the use of high-pass lanes through road signboards, tollgate notices, Seum signs, banners, and traffic broadcasts, and to do its best in safety management, such as toll station accident prevention and customer protection measures.

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