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Stricter corona rules in Belgium due to virus revival NOW

Due to the revival of the coronavirus in Belgium, Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès has tightened up the measures regarding the coronavirus again. For example, from July 29, Belgians are allowed to have less social contacts and shopping has to be on its own again.

Until now, Belgians outside their family were allowed to have up to 15 social contacts per week. The ‘social bubble’, as Belgians call it, will be reduced to five per month from Wednesday.

In places where enough distance can be kept, Belgians are allowed to see a maximum of ten people. Children under the age of twelve are not covered by the bubble measure.

The maximum number of people at events is also reduced again. Hundreds of people are allowed in, two hundred people outside. Face masks are now mandatory at all events.

Finally, from July 29, shopping may no longer be together. An exception applies to minors or people who need help, for example because of a disability.

Number of confirmed infections in Belgium is increasing rapidly

Since the beginning of this month, Belgium has experienced a revival of the coronavirus. For the eighth day in a row, the number of confirmed corona infections is increasing rapidly. 279 new infections were diagnosed on Monday, compared to 255 on Sunday.

Due to the rapid increase, the country decided to stop the announced relaxations and to introduce a mouth mask obligation in more places. Several Belgian municipalities, however, thought this did not go far enough and have Saturday on its own initiative additional measures announced to combat further spread of the coronavirus in the country.

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