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Stretching the ‘duduk’ neck, paralyzing arms and legs?

The “ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament” can be aggravated by habits or massage

Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament can be exacerbated by excessive stretching or massage, so caution is required. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

There are many people who routinely bend their necks left and right enough to make a “duduk” sound. Repeat the intense stretching, feeling the coolness of the muscles and joints that relax. However, if you suffer from chronic neck pain, you need to be careful as it can damage the health of your neck bones and paralyze your arms and legs. In particular, “ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament”, in which the posterior longitudinal ligament of the neck (cervical vertebrae) becomes hard and enlarged, can rapidly worsen symptoms through the habit of bending the neck or massaging.

◆ The posterior longitudinal ligament, which becomes thicker over time, compresses the neural tube.

Between the cervical vertebrae is a “disc” that absorbs shock. The posterior longitudinal ligament prevents the disc from coming out and supports the cervical vertebrae so they do not move. Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament is caused by the ligament becoming hard and thick like bone, pressing on the nerve that passes through the cervical vertebrae. Although the cause is not clearly known, it mainly occurs in Asians such as Korea and Japan, and race and genetic factors are known to play a role. It is also related to accidental trauma, diabetes, obesity, and immune diseases. In recent years, the continuous strain on the neck due to the prolonged use of smartphones or electronic devices is also considered the main cause.

◆ If adequate treatment is delayed, it can cause paraesthesia, loss of muscle strength and even hemiplegia.

In the early stages of ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament, only symptoms of neck pain and pressure appear, so it is often mistaken for muscle pain and neglected. As the posterior longitudinal ligament gradually thickens, it stimulates the nerves and causes numbness, pain, loss of sensation, and muscle strength in the arm or hand.

“The ossified posterior longitudinal ligament is known to grow about 1-2 mm per year,” said Joo Yun-seok, head of the Spine Center at Gangseo Nanuri Hospital.

If a patient with posterior longitudinal ligament ossification bends his neck until he hears a “discharge” sound or is massaged by a non-medical person, a sudden force is transmitted to the posterior longitudinal ligament, which was pressing the nerve, and the nerve can be damaged. If you have chronic neck pain or numbness in the arms and hands, it is advisable to visit a hospital and get an accurate diagnosis after the test.

◆ The primary treatment is surgery and, if symptoms occur, treatment must be promptly

If posterior longitudinal ligament ossification is detected at an early stage, it can be improved with nonsurgical treatments such as drug therapy, injection therapy, and physical therapy. However, if there is no improvement with nonsurgical treatment or if the hardened posterior longitudinal ligament is already pressing heavily on the nerve, surgical treatment is the most effective.

Hospital Director Joo Yun-seok said: “For the surgical treatment of posterior longitudinal ligament ossification, the oxidized posterior longitudinal ligament can be directly removed by approaching the front of the neck or approaching the back to widen the path of the neck. nerve. It is a disease that requires active treatment at an early stage because it may take a long time to recover or may not recover fully. “

To prevent ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament, it is recommended to refrain from excessively bending the neck. When sleeping, a height of about 6-8 cm is appropriate rather than a pillow that is too high. Above all, it is important to visit a hospital immediately and receive an accurate diagnosis through a thorough examination when symptoms of cervical disc disease appear in people over the age of 50.

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